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This week's map is the Rocky Forest (25x25), a return to my personal favorite setting- forests! I didn't have enough time this week to dive into the Barbarian Village (the 4th place winner from Poll #10), but I have so much experience making forests that I can practically whip one up in my sleep. 

This time I decided to make another variation on the Forest Clearing, a version with more changes in elevation that will make ambushes a major possibility, be they planned by the party or not. My original plans included a path cutting through the valleys of this map, but after making some progress I decided that it would be nice to make a map with few hooks, which will hopefully make it all the more versatile. 

Adepts can find their post here as well as a Revisited post here, and Experts can find theirs here.




Hell yes! Needed a new map for an upcoming battle with a hobgoblin mage that my party will happen upon after leaving Cragmaw Castle.


Love how multi-purpose this is. Thanks Alex!


great stuff! my group were just complaining that i'd moved them to a battle map with a forest clearing where they'd thought they were in dense forest so switching out to this map next session should hopefully keep them happy!

Lone Mapper

I love and learn from the organization of your maps