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Hi Experts and Masters! Your map this time is the Barbarian Village (30x30), a small walled settlement that can just as easily be a regular forest outpost in a pinch. I'm sure you can come up with some interesting setups for a place like this, but at the very least it can offer a roof to adventurers as they trek through a snowy forest or a destination for heroes who are out to kick some barbarian butt. 

Your alternate versions for this map are Subdued and Blizzard, which will both give you some extra wiggle room for tailoring it to your adventure. The subdued version especially feels like it fits the barbarian vibe even better than the original, with tweaked colors and lighting that are much less colorful and have a more grim vibe. The blizzard version can perhaps give your players a bit of an edge if they choose to quietly assault the settlement, or maybe sting your adventurer's eyes as they scan the tree line for attacking beasts. Hope you like it!



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