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Hello folks, this week's map is the Grimy Inn (18x16), the final winner from my last poll! It's been a hot minute since we've had a poll around here, so I'm sure many of you have some thoughts on which maps I should be making- and I want to hear them! I'll be putting together entrees for the new poll over the next week, posting it shortly after whichever map I make next, so send me a message with your idea and I'll try to make room for as many as I can. 

This map is a handy departure from my usual Inn maps, a much less friendly tavern/inn will be great for most people's adventures, I'd think. When my party ends up in a shady or dangerous town and looking for a place to stay I like to present them with all kinds of nasty inns and brothels, and for something like that I think this map would fit perfectly! Hope you like it!

Adepts can find their map here, and Experts can find theirs here.






Tis nice, but the shadows inside each room are WAY too heavy. It's nice as a picture, but if my players bring a light source with them it'll never actually be lit using this.