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Hey all,

And we are back with another flash from the past, remember those titty size charts I did for the various gems in Steven Universe that were totally well-researched and I paid close attention to realistic bra measurements?

Because I sure don't I did none of that, it was all just according to my whims and what ever looked reasonable enough. But after I did the three I had plans for and combined them into a massive ur-chart of tit I also started taking some of my favourite "panels" in the chart and make full drawings out of the singular gems in them.

And then I stopped as projects piled up and I got distracted by various things. No big reason really, it all just kinda slipped through the cracks for months. But now I am back with another one, this time an entry from the first chart I made, and the biggest of that chart at that: Blue Diamond. Ever the sad, melancholic blue alien Giantess.

I think those humongous udders suit her. And even in the combined chart she sits comfortably in the top three, together with White Diamond and Obsidian, or Obsidian and the Cluster if you feel like including the joke entry.

Sidenote, I have considered the gems to be made part of the alien chicks from across pop-culture series, together with various other cartoon aliens. Of course with gems this presents a problem because of the massive variety they display.

SoCarter out.



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