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Hey all,

So here it is, the second RQR to make up for completely forgetting to do one last week like a dingus.

I do not know anything about the featured girl in question by the way, and the reference pictures I looked up didn't clear up a whole lot, Don't know if she's from a show, a pilot episode, a game, a mascot of something, or an OC of some kind.

All I know is that's she's curvy, she's spunky, she's got blue hair, and sharp teeth.

I think the guy up there would be happy if it stayed a titfuck, those gnashers look dangerous.

What I also know is that I've seen her before from time to time, she's got quite a lot of lewd art on her name so she seems to be popular. And looking at her, I can see why.

But anyway, here she is, enjoy my take. I tried to somewhat emulate the style I most often see her depicted in, which I assume is the original artist's style, while still leaving plenty of me in.

SoCarter out.

PS: It should of course be fairly obvious that with Christmas being this week, the schedule might falter as a result (I mean moreso than it does usually ;p), so be warned.



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