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...He woke bleary-eyed snuggled up under layers of bed sheets against something warm, soft, and smooth and slowly lifted his head to blink against the light shining through the thin cloth of their tent, getting the sleep out of them as the prince slowly came to and got his bearings.

First thing that came to mind was that their tent looked weird, second thing was the memory of the night before and the realization that this wasn't their tent at all, but rather Grishakk's.

It was awfully quiet for a morning, with no chirping birds to wake them, awfully bright too, but before his sleep-addled mind could process what that could mean the something that was soft, warm, and smooth that he was snuggled up against stirred, and his gaze was drawn down to a picture of beauty and perfection. The visage of young knight Sophia sleeping peacefully against her prince stared up at him, her back towards him as the little spoon as he felt something inside him flutter... or do a backflip, it was hard to tell.

More memories started coming back, details of the insane day and night before, fucking the farmer's daughter, discovering The butcher's lass stowed away, the orgy that followed, finally going to their tents to rest, getting interrupted by the orcs, the second, even crazier orgy with them that came from that, and how he had grown hard again regardless. And then... Fucking the ever loving shit out of the busty redhead sleeping peacefully besides him. Surprisingly, it was the memory rather than seeing her naked body curled up against him that stirred his loins into action. His loins that now, after a good bit of rest, were rearing to go again without issue or soreness. He grunted while shifting back as he felt the thick pole stiffen and grow, laying warm and throbbing between their bodies.

He wondered if...

He stared down at the beauty laying before him, how she had effortlessly met his rhythm yesterday, spurred him on, and before that during the orgy transformed herself into the very personification of depravity and lust... Would she mind if he...?

Just kinda... you know...

Eventually his cock did the thinking for him and answered as it grew to full mast, and throwing the sheets aside to reveal more of Sophia's shapely, pale, and curvy body lifted one of her legs to position himself behind her...

The moans coming from the tent ran through camp while the others, also waking from the orgy, began the process of tearing down their tents and exchanging the produce on the farmer's cart with the mad sorcerer's studies as per the new plan. It was already past mid-day however, and with most of the time the day had left spent getting everything ready, even as Sophia and the prince finished up and joined the others to help, it was realized splitting up now meant traveling by night, or not very far at all.

Perhaps another night of proper rest was a better choice. So some tents were erected back up and the rest of the day was spent in leisure, indulging in the foods of the farmer that were now no longer going to be sold, wild game Shaahzge's hunting party provided, and of course, the pleasures of the flesh. Though not to the wild, excessive extend of the orgy from yesterday...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So we've seen several fantasy races already, some aspects I played straight, others I put a twist to them. Most of them have been pureblood however.

But in the later couple I introduced some hybrid or 'half' races. And I've been wanting to talk more about inter-racial relations between the races, particularly in the bedroom, and how it relates to offspring. Partially because I've got some stuff to explain, partially because people smashing their funny bits together is the point of this whole venture of mine.

You see, hybrids between the various races aren't exactly common, and while I've previously put a spotlight on the troubles the Elves are going through with breeding, why don't they try interbreeding with other races to introduce some normalcy and stability into their quite honestly fucked up genome?

That's because not every race can produce viable offspring with others, before the breeding problems Elves in our story's time were even a thing, Elves could only reliable interbreed with... *drummroll* Orcs. And Goblins. But now... no race at all.


So then, SoCarter, what's that half-elf doing up there if even in the best of days they can't interbreed with humans? Well the key word here is "reliably". For Elves and Humans can have children together, it is however these children that are always infertile. Much like mules, they cannot bear further offspring, from neither Humans, Elves, or other half-Elves.

This stands in stark contrast to the half-races I've shown off so far, the half-Dwarf, half-Giant, Hobgoblin, and Cursed children.

Well, Cursed children are kind of a unique case that deals with Demons, I'll probably get more into that later, but the former three are all "viable" hybrids so to speak, ergo, they can have children themselves, though things can get complicated based on which race these mixed fantasy races choose to shack up with, too complicated for now. As I'd like to round it off by just listing some more couplings and their viability as a hybrid-race.

Dwarves, Giants, and Humans (and by extension of Humans, Halflings) can all freely interbreed. Now with one of these size issues start becoming a problem, even if in this sexed-up version virgin women can apparently effortlessly take two-foot horse cocks up their coochies without suffering dramatic internal injuries. For Dwarves, as previously described, they tend to keep to themselves, so hybrids aren't very common, and where you can find them usually through successive interbreeding with more Dwarves, Giants, or Humans they tend be absorbed back into the "main" brand after some generations, so you never really get a situation where all three races congeal together into a single "new" race.

Elves I've already mentioned, but Humans can also produce infertile offspring with Orcs, while Dwarves can produce infertile Hybrids with Goblins. It seems that, while both Dwarves and Humans are genetically close enough to produce hybrids, they are also genetically distinct enough to being able to interbreed with different races to different extents, Which is why they can't be properly classified as a single species. And also why the half-races ability to further breed is so complicated.

There is much more to say, and I'm working on an extensive list of which races can and cannot interbreed with who that I might upload at some point, as well as a rough cladogram to show how genetically close (or far) they all stand from each other.

In essence, all this complicated nonsense serves to explain why all these Hominid fantasy races haven't congealed together or out-bred one another until the people in fantasy land where faced with a similar situation we have on real earth, where it's just humans because other "species" were simply absorbed into Homo Sapiens by excessive fucking, or out-bred by Homo Sapiens by... excessive fucking.

Hey all,

Gee back to the normal format where all the information is front-loaded and I don't have a whole lot more to say here, sure feels like it's been  while since that's happened even though this is still a fairly recent series of sketches.

SoCarter out.



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