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Hey all,

And so, because the other sketch was late, I'm simply doing the next one today, with the third and final character sketch of the week coming tomorrow on the usual Saturday. Again we're back with a Warhammer 40K gal. The infamous commissar this time.

You see, I mentioned in the first upload the Imperial Guard, or "Astra Militarum" if you feel so inclined.

This organization represents perhaps the largest in the entire Imperium of man, with maybe the Administratum (paperwork fellows, they make sure the Empire runs *ahem* "smoothly") outnumbering them. Sometimes called the hammer of the emperor of the emperor's hammer, for their main battle strategy is to drown the enemy in bodies and just keep sending more until no filthy xenos or heretic can be seen anymore.

The Imperium is in "control" of over a million worlds spread across the galaxy, and for the moment at least, the single greatest (at least the most numerous) united force in the galaxy. That is maybe until the main Tyranid fleet finally arrives to the galaxy, the Orks somehow manage to unite, or all of the Necron dynasties wake up, but for now none of that has happened yet so... yay Imperium of mankind. This means that the imperial guard has access to so many soldiers, untold trillions upon trillions of men and women, that they are effectively worth less individually than the gear they are outfitted with, the weapons they carry, and the ammunition they hold. To the point that, if there are stragglers lost in enemy territory, the army is more likely to turn back and get them out of there to get the gear back than to save the men. Regardless, they are expected to do their duty in the Emperor's name. Failure in the line of duty is not acceptable, and most probably heresy or something. And that's where the Commissars come in.

Commissars are imperial officers assigned to the guard to keep them in line and full of zeal, to keep them ready to give their life for the Emperor and hold the line no matter the cost. And should a guardsman or woman fail? They get a swift bolter round to the face, and let that be a lesson to all other guardsmen around to see. For the Emperor will not suffer cowardice among his forces. Now this may sound like Commissars are unanimously hated among the guard, and keep to the back line to catch stragglers who should try harder or deserters who really should be running towards the enemy if they are going to be doing any running at all. But Commissars are also expected to lead by example, and inspire the men and women around them. And the Commissars, being religious zealots, are more often than not fully prepared to do just that.

Though of course the occasional coward Commissar does exist too. Not this one though, she's ready to give it her all and punish those that fail her. And she's found a couple of rather "creative" solutions to keep the men serving under her in line and motivated... In between battles and out behind the barracks that is.

There are all kinds of Guard regiments hailing from worlds across the Imperium, each with their own specializations and uniform, the standard "Cadian" we saw earlier is but one of them, as there are many, many more. And all of them need commissars to keep them in line, well... there's some exceptions. But more on those later when it's their turn. For now, let's just enjoy the fat Commissar titties.

SoCarter out.



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