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Denken coming in with that MUSCLE MAGIC


Oh also Frieren has been defeated by multiple mages I think she said 11 or 9 mages 1 was a elf 1-3 demons and rest humans

AlmaWade 1979

Found out a pretty neat thing after I watched this ep. Serie's (the blonde elf) VA voiced Himeno in Chainsaw Man, never would have guessed.

Josh Wright

Lmao I knew you guys would be as hype as I was about denken throwing hands lol


Frieren: "I've lost to mages weaker than me 11 times in my life. 4 of them were Demons, Qual was one of them. And 1 was an Elf, just like me. The remaining 6 were Humans."

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Frieren said there were 11 mages with less mana than her that beat her. 4 were demons, 1 Elf, and 6 humans. Also she specifies mages with less mana then her so she could have lost to other mages, people, and other things as well.


About the defensive spell this episode: "It's enough to defend against phsyical attacks of monsters and warriors". I don't know if there are exceptions, but it's directly stated this episode that it's good enough against warriors.

dani oz

Stark probably out here doing mad sidequests


The barrier that the mages use to defend themselves is based on Zoltraak. The spell created by Demons. The Barrier wasn't is was the same spell that Flamme created. It was the spell that was profecting that city from demons attack. They are 2 different types. The one Frieren took down was much stronger.


Flamme is hailed as the founder of the human magic system. Everyone knows her.


Knows 'of' her. Most can't recognize a fake of her work if their life depended on it.

Daniel Borrego

stark is the henpecked husband :D


If you count chests over a thousand+ years, big number.


Denken talked about more powerful mages being brought down because people feared their power. Frieren just broke her own rule of appearing weak, going to be interesting from now on.


I was sold on Denken as soon as he started throwing hands lmaooo


Frieren losing doesn't necessarily mean they were stronger than her just to point that out. Also Frieren grows stronger the more time she has lived. So at this point even if one or two of those people were stronger than her she is more than likely way stronger now.


Its also important to keep in mind the different classes. A warrior can do things that a mage cannot. A mage can do things a priest cannot. A priest can do things the others cannot and so on and so forth. Himmel was a hero so he could do things the others could not. It all gets sort of confusing but frieren lost specifically to a few of those said mages and one of them we already saw when she came back to defeat that demon that they locked and she couldn't have beaten him at the time.


Think you are looking a little too deep into the stark thing at the end lol. Yeah based on what we know about the mage defensive barriers stark could definitely break through that type of defensive barrier meant for magic defense specifically. That is the whole point of the flaw behind that barrier. Goes back to what I said about the different classes being able to do their own things and contribute specific requirements. A priest can be made fun of for not being as focused on offensive type of attacks like a mage would be more suited for but like Frieren has said a priest can do so many things that she cannot like healing and doing many support roles. I am pretty sure stark was shown like that at the end of this first round in the manga so I think the creator just wanted to drop in on stark and show what he has been doing cause this arc is not focused much on stark at all


I wonder if Kanne fought Frieren in the rain, would that make her #12 on the list who can beat her?


Frieren would likely still win just due to Kanne seemingly being quite inexperienced and not as comfortable in combat. But i could definitely see an older more veteran Kanne being a monster in the rain