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Black Hawk

Just remember when he levels up in his points he also levels up in his height his body. He a pretty boy LOL

Black Hawk

I feel sorry for the director. There's always going to be spiders in his life LOL

John Ng

DripWoo is here 😏

jason ross

Trying really hard to avoid any spoilers with this question but can any knowledgeable readers guess which episode we’ll get to “arise”?


Poor Director trying to deal with watching the scenes with that boss... 🫣


The optimism of director saying maybe it's a big ass caterpillar

Toan Greenlow

Best anime I've seen in a long ass time


I knew director would absolutely love this episode

Alan Uribe

RIP director lolol. Those guys are trash though cause you know a lot of people died like this too.


That might be near the final episodes for these first 12 eps. They seem to cover around 4-5 chapters per ep so if they continue that then we'll probably get that scene somewhere around eps 11/12

George McCall

Was funny watching Lee trying to hold back from laughing. :D

Daniel Borrego

oh shit i forgot about director :D they always gotta put spiders into these shows :D


Director in spider episodes always increase the comedy a lot, you are good friends for not teasing Director even more with cutesy little spidah.

Josh Wright

I can’t be the only one who when watching on their own immediately thought of director and laughed as soon as they saw the webs


This anime got me understanding something from Eminence. "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT"- Delta


Kinda fitting that this guy's name is Dong-Suck. Tho Earth-Scum or Malty might work, too...


Did lee forget Apothecary or did I miss something. Love your reaction to SL🤩

Paul Tar

in the web novel (or light novel?) they explain that the land lord gives him extra time for rent because he knows that the MC is raising his sister, and taking care of mother in hospital while being a low level hunter.


Nope cause I have the same fear and I paused the ep and looked at my kid and she just started laughing her ass off cause she knows. 😖

Black Hawk

The MC is 24 years old


You know, I don't know what level Jinwoo is right now, but given an S rank blew a hold through a giant rock effortlessly I somehow don't think Jinwoo is there... yet anyway.


Oh, man. The next episode is going to be hype AF! Thanks for the reaction!


Poor Director, this man can't go a single fantasy anime without seeing a spider.


And that has nothing to do with what he said?? Soooooooo???