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mitch anderson

The VA of the pain guy is Tsukishima from Haikyuu


All the anime cooking this week 🔥🔥🔥


So for people that can’t feel pain their more likely to do stuff that’ll hurt them wither intentional or not theirs a story of someone who had a broken leg yet didn’t know because no pain but they couldn’t walk with said leg only reason they had it checked out

Roronoa Zoro

The author for this series has to be taking the same drugs as the creator of baki. I’d have never imagined mash would use his wand like that


Rampant speculation: After this, Carpaccio gets into BDSM. XD Seriously though, if the Nurse Angel thing is the source of your power, just defend it. Make it a smaller target. Put your own body in the way. Get a power drill, and just go ham on your pressure points. Carpaccio's arrogance is a weakness.

Destiney Marie

It’s funny that you mention Starks VA cause Mash is the one who actually has his VA😂.


Im not gonna point out the background since you already made a video talking about it. I get it. Its all part of the process.


I love when a funny anime has a serious moment like this especially when it involves a presumably weak character. It makes for one of the best episodes of the season usually and reminds us that there is something to be learned even from the most unassuming characters. 🤓

Destiney Marie

Really? I definitely have to go back and listen it’s been a while since I’ve seen SK8.


DRAMAtical Murder had a character like that too. Noiz was born with no feeling of any kind so he got into fights and got piercings all over along with tats cause there was no consequences. It also meant if he was gravely injured he would not know till it was too late. A different take than Carpacchio's character but the same arrogant behavior. 🤔


You can pick up that deadpan style from Uchiyama-san so easily. I am also enjoying it in the isekai about the guy who just says die and that perron or creature does. 😂


But the narcissism in you couldnt NOT make a comment about it