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Gavin Daniels

I swear these romcoms always get y’all cookin in them discussions 😂😂 Loving the energy in these reactions and can’t wait for more


Bro that bird is crazy


Please people, let them cook without spoiling. This is hilarious.

Kazuma Sato

his name means dragon.


that bird is the real victim


24:50 that N.T.R comment was crazy😂 yo my boy ain’t no cuck. Hilarious reaction can’t wait to see the next reaction from this series. Keep up the good work guys, I appreciate the work you guys do🙏.


The Ryu in Ryuji means dragon and Taiga's name means tiger, so thats why he said that

Dusty Chronicle

Crouching Taiga Hidden Ryuji? Hello?


I'm glad y'all seeing all the silly things in the background like the ladder bit.

Random Guy

You know how japanese people are, most of them won't directly shoot you down. Kitamura knew what he was doing. He said he wanted to be "friends" meaning not lovers. That's why Taiga tried to argue that it wasn't what she meant, but then fell silent because she understood what it actually meant. She was shot down.

Pontiac Fredersen

Spinning off on this, the name of the show is also based on that. Tora is japanese for tiger, and Dora is the first two katakana in Dragon (Do-ra-go-n), hence; ToraDora


I'm so happy to see you guys enjoying this show ^-^


Taiga isn't all bad, she went out of her way to reset everyone's opinion of Ryuji before moving on to confess. She's pure tsundere, goes out of her way for ryuji then tries to hide it with all that bluster.


The tigers and dragons being equal thing is very Japanese mythology. It’s a common trope and I believe there names literally mean tiger and dragon.


zzzz rip toradora being 1x weekly thanks to horimiya

Alan Uribe

Peak romcom XD
