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J Man

This show is my weekly dose of non-toxic wholesomeness

Ral Zarek

This really peak Romcom. I get that Kaguya is also amazing but i love this show even more somehow

Unidentified Salmon

I love how the whole last few minutes is just Ichi shitting on Nanpaisen

Jared Williams

Ichi has leveled up his rizz so much he is now starting to rizz up the boys


I've never seen a character as dense as him in all of the romance anime I've ever watched in my life lol

Roronoa Zoro

Which makes him so realistic. Cause i feel him every time he second guesses


I see director cringing at Kana (sister) fanservice in the OP. Just want to let him know she's in college so he doesn't need to feel guilty for looking.


I mean I understand second guesses and all for sure, but this guy long past the point where I would have gotten it. Yamada is the most forward and direct girl I've seen in a long time

tracee miasco (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-29 04:27:12 in ep 3 Yamada makes a chocolate with the Japanese letter ギ/キ (Gi/Ki) and in today she gave a letter ス (Su) which are two letter that spells out “Like” (Su-Ki) if she were to have written リ (Ri) that would’ve meant “Obligatory” (Gi-Ri). She also ripped the cupcake so the (ス) lower portion resembled that of a heart coming full circle with how Ichikawa said he'll get the "Wrong Idea" if it's a heart shape. Suki means [i like you/ i love you]
2024-01-29 04:26:34 in ep 3 Yamada makes a chocolate with the Japanese letter ギ/キ (Gi/Ki) and in today she gave a letter ス (Su) which are two letter that spells out “Like” (Su-Ki) if she were to have written リ (Ri) that would’ve meant “Obligatory” (Gi-Ri). She also ripped the cupcake so the (ス) lower portion resembled that of a heart coming full circle with how Ichikawa said he'll get the "Wrong Idea" if it's a heart shape.

in ep 3 Yamada makes a chocolate with the Japanese letter ギ/キ (Gi/Ki) and in today she gave a letter ス (Su) which are two letter that spells out “Like” (Su-Ki) if she were to have written リ (Ri) that would’ve meant “Obligatory” (Gi-Ri). She also ripped the cupcake so the (ス) lower portion resembled that of a heart coming full circle with how Ichikawa said he'll get the "Wrong Idea" if it's a heart shape.


Ichi is cookin so hard lately. S2 him stepped up. It’s semi-realistic too cuz the signs are so clear FOR US but goddamn do they sometime come off and you just think i’m definitely reading it wrong

tracee miasco

He just can’t believe it you know I mean look at him. He got whack hair, smaller than her, I mean in real life you would feel like this is tooooooo good to be true. What would be the reasons she likes me. She probably just sees me as a very close friend. He’s a afraid of rejection. He’s not dense, he actually realizes most of Yamada’s hints, it’s just that he is being held back by not wanting to get hurt

tracee miasco

Kaguya is peak comedy entertainment. It also had its peak romance moments like the end of ultra romantic but this show is PEAK romance


thank you for my weekly dose of dopamine


The muffin said su from suki hence the subtitle saying li from like