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As a heads up, for some reason there are a few people spoiling on YouTube comments this week. So be extra careful. I’ve seen spoilers on pretty much every UU reaction

Eddie Fofana

I knew Billy was cool but I never knew he had that dawg in him

Ranginald Vagel

No offense but you guys got super confused at the question describing when the concept is just “kill every season except Autumn, capture that one”lol

Ranginald Vagel

Oh dear, good warning EDIT: I look at some reactions' comments sections and luckily warnings about the spoiler usually end up closer to top comment then the spoiler, guess this community isn't so bad after all.


Billy said y’all soft 😂 I hope it is just the one power he has UNBELIEVABLE. That’s a broad concept

Daniel Turner

save the cheerleader save the world


This episode forced me to read the manga 😂

Randy Cooper

🏅I give you the gold star! One of the best single seasons of television!


Sorry if this is random, but have you guys already watched/would you consider reacting to Chernobyl in the future? The next time you poll, I'll mention it.


I am litteraly trying my hardest not to. Once the season is over I will catch up in a day or 2 for sure tho lmao


I would love to see Adorkable's reaction to Heroes


The animation studio definitely got fucked over by the length of the next two arcs lol They don't have enough episodes to do both but have too many to do one so we've had a lot of flashback padding the last few episodes. Hopefully we should get a lot less of it from here though.


We consider all shows and select what i see people talking about the most is my official answer