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mitch anderson

Yhhhhh. Now i'm just waiting for that Undead Unluck


Good discussion. I didn't originally pick up on the significance of the ritual tool, but what Director said about how it's probably used to make someone a eunuch sounds about right. Lakan is definitely dropping hints that he knows of Jinshi's real identity, which makes me think there aren't that many people outside of people close to him that know of his real position. Or if they do, they don't know that he's (probably) not actually a eunuch. Now we just wait for Jinshi to ask Maomao about how to devalue a courtesan to get the answer.

Tazell Pouncey

Not Lee grabbing pj mask red 💀

R'ja Norr

24:49 I think you guys misunderstood what Lakan was saying about talented people. He said "Those with talent should receive attention" i.e., should get the praise. I don't think that had anything to do with leading or ruling. I also think he had someone else in mind when he was talking about talent and attention.


We heard and have our own theories about what it implies. But we read the same thing. I hear ya


Yo what was on Adokable's phone lmao


I thought Lakan was talking about Gaoshun, I'm presuming that the other guy is his younger brother and Lakan took him under his wing. This guy is Machiavellian so I wouldn't be shocked if it was also a jab at Jinshi, if his father is who we are lead to believe he is.


I was down the wrong track thinking the metalworker was involved in a conspiracy, that he made the pipe that was at the explosion site.