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I just can't unhear him being Subaru and getting attacked by this ravenous female :D

Black Hawk

Restraining order LOL

Coping McCoperson

Didn’t have a white collar reference on my bingo card. Goated show


First three minutes into the episode, Director already know; "LOCK HER UP!"


Lee took a W on the chained soldier anime with his foot loving ass. Shimoneta said nah we gonna snatch that shit and give you foot lovers an L. Unless you into that loli shit. If you into lolis and have a kink for little sisters enslaving you you got a W but you also a sick freak. You need to be locked up from society. Sorry... Had to say it.


I think the main SOX girl (can't remember her name at the moment) isn't necessarily my type. I like her little sex jokes and stuff she throws in but at the same time compared to everyone else she is just a tad bit boring. I can help fix Anna senpai. She is mine all the way. The only problem I see here is that she isn't getting the love she is asking for. You need to tell her how things work and guide her through the process. She won't bite your dick off if you just supplied her needs and guided her through everything. I bet if she got her cheeks clapped she would calm down a whole lot. All those urges just need to be filled and she needs to be satisfied. Plus she only has eyes for one guy so she is loyal despite having all of those urges. I blame the MC for being a wussy and not giving her what she wants. (I know its for the sake of the series and comedy but if this were logical he should have already clapped her cheeks)

AlmaWade 1979

Found out another VA fun fact. Ayame's (the main girl) VA also voiced Setsuna, the ice-wolf girl in Redo of Healer.

Tazell Pouncey

25:35 mom can I have chained soldier? We have chained soldier at home:


Yo Lee the tittle is messed up this is episode 8


7:40 the look Director gives to Lee is hilarious

Anthony Nguyen

8:30 "This bitch the most dangerous yandere I've ever seen" You guys gotta react to "Future Diary" next after this to understand true peak yandere. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Alan Uribe

This loli is a menace!