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Lord Precht

I feel you Lee wanting to punch Yamauchi through screen,bro was OD as hell at the end of the episode🤣 If I’m not mistaken he’s the one who smeared mud in Horikita’s hair on the island in S1,dude’s been a dickhead smh.

Kazuma Sato

*I have NOT read the manga. I'm anime only.* Before you try to answer if Ayanokoji is capable of "caring" for others, I think it's wise to acknowledge that he may actually be a genuine psychopath. And if so, then it is absolutely, completely impossible for him to "feel care" in the way we neurotypicals (normal people with normal brain wiring) do since his brain would literally be wired differently from birth. However, a psychopath can still "care" about someone, but to them it's an investment as opposed to feeling the chemical component of love (which they can never feel). Yes, psychopathic "love" exists but it is cognitive in nature as opposed to emotional. From what I've read online about psychopathy, this psychopathic love is called an "investment". There have even been cases of psychopaths going out of their way to rescue people and risking their lives for those they are invested in (people they enjoy being around, people worthy of their time, effort, and energy, and even their "human possessions" - aka “investments”). I'd consider that pretty caring. So while he cannot "feel it", he can still take care of the people he's invested in. So, assuming he is indeed some kind of lab-grown psychopath, the answer to the question ultimately depends on your definition of care. Does he feel care in the way we normal people do? Absolutely NOT as that would be impossible. But can he do caring actions that are practically indistinguishable from neurotypical care? ABSOLUTELY. The only sad part is that if he really is a psychopath, he will never be able to bond with someone in the way normal people would nor achieve his goal of emotional empathy (which was revealed at the end of last season), but this is anime and it hasn't been confirmed yet in the anime if he's actually psycho so anything can happen. But even if he is, i'm very much looking forward to and hoping for a crazy transformation in him and I hope that he WILL be able to feel emotional empathy in some miraculous way - that would be awesome.