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Crash Landing On You Ep 11 uncut

Watch "Crash Landing On You Ep 11 uncut" on Streamable.



I love this drama so much. 🥹


Them not remembering each other is still feasible considering that it's been 7years and technically Se-ri only saw him once (or twice?) during that trip. She is also rich so after that she might've been to countless countries that that face will just be one of those thousands she met. And I guess most of us if not all had that moment when we see someone who's face looks familiar but you can't pinpoint where you actually saw them.


YBRL if you see this, the update on why like Worst of Evil was spammed first so fast answer. You should really do separate update explanation video for answers like that as not everyone even watch this kdrama, but they might something else. It's just advice as I am finally on this episode and only now got the answer why Worst of Evil was spammed so fast :D


Oh the reason i dont is cuz i dont remember. I say stuff on the fly and move on. For example, i dont even remember what i said lol. I probably just read something and said it here and moved on.


That whole parking lot scene was hilarious thanks to some unrealistic stuff. Villain got screwed by the writer.