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I dont think Jinshie is actually a eunuch. I think Maomao is making an assumption


That Lakan guy makes my "fight or flight" sense scream Also, the only thing that comes to mind for "lowering the value of a woman" in that time period is either mutilation of sorts, to make her less beautiful, or, something that rimes with "nape" cause rich "noble" fucks of that time period are particular for wanting to "taste the goods first" Either way, I am dreading the next episode, this Lakan guy is genuinely disturbing


I've been hanging on a curious little detail mentioned in an earlier episode that might be relevant... but AAAAAAA—the anime will reveal I'm sure. Excited to see where things go.

paladar blade

So here's my theory, Lakan and Maomao's father were into the same courtesan at which is Maomao's mother. Both individuals working at the palace could bid a high amount of money for her, so even though the Apothecary guy is called Maomao's father i don't think he's actually her biological father. Reason being that you can't exactly work in the rear palace with the emperor's women are at, unless you're either an eunuch or in Jinshi's case related to the royal family, at this point he's the emperor's son unless the show says otherwise. So Lakan in order to lower the value of a courtesan who by all rights is still pure given that she only plays games with her cliental gave in to his dark desires to have her by forcing himself on her. Lakan succeed in lowering her value and impregnating her with Maomao, but failed to get both cause i don't think Verdigris house would look kindly on someone doing that to one of their highest and most valued courtesans. Thus Maomao's father got both the mother and the daughter, and Lakan is trying to get near Maomao again after all these years since he's probably banned from the redlight district or just can't get near her there.


Yeah, I think all of us agree on that. Ever since they alluded to him being "above his station", I think we've been of the belief that he's royalty. We already know that Maomao tries to stay out of drama and ignores things that don't interest her, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's like an open secret and she's the only one that doesn't know.


creepy ass man better keep his nasty hands off mao mao


Except Luomen IS AN EUNUCH. He was already at the Rear Palace 17 years ago, when Maomao would have been born as a 17 y/o, so he wouldn't have had a pp already by that point. Especially since Maomao has the same hue of blue as Lakan does when you look at the eyes (I assume that's why they suddenly focused on Lakan's eyes like that, kinda assume there's something eye related going on w/ Loulan the new consort as well since during her intro episode they keep focusing on her eyes real close for some reason, as well as the OP also focusing on eyeshots of her in passing)


I mean based on them having same eye color I doubt we have to worry about that since he's most likely her dad given his age rn (40 something) and Maomao being 17, and quite obviously us being shown Maomao mom in the flashback. We can guess what he probably did to lower her value, because of her profession specifically, as we know that high-class courtesans lose value if they get pregnant for example, because ain't nobody interested in potentially buying out a courtesan who's preggo etc, for obvious reasons (why would any rich af person buy some thot who's already used goods like that, when they can just get one unused?)


Lowering a courtesan's value is obviously to have her get preggo, because used goods like that are likely to get rid of any interested rich af buyers (high-class courtesans are generally rarely used because the exclusivity is part of their appeal after all. Pairin is pretty much the exception due to her being so horni based on what we've seen, but I'm quite sure Meimei & Joka are more standard for high-class courtesans bodycount wise at least)


Man i am not gonna say any but just wait the payoff would be great