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What my girl was saying about Wirbel is he has more battle experience. That was also the point Frieren was making saying she’s been beat by skilled people before: how you use the mana is more important than how much you have.

John Ng

I think how much mana they have is not a representation for how skilled they are. It’s an example of a big box and a small container. One is just a rubbish bin, and the other is where you keep your jewelries. So the smaller ones, although smaller, are more valuable. So the one with minimal mana but a strong skill, will win one with tons of mana but with weak skills. Not sure if my analogy makes sense or not.

Alan Uribe

Yeah the concept of mana suppression is huge in these types of fights. Plus, these other mages are probably only used to hiding their mana in situations like these and the idea of doing it 24/7 like our cast is inconceivable.


23:08 They shoulda called this episode "Holding Stille." XD 27:07 And? My master is the REASON the Demon Army is in remnants.


Dope discussion, thanks for the drop!


"Is that so?" Fern gives no f*cks! :D

Mufid Lassissi

Great REACTION!!!!being strong isnt just about mana by the way. Suppressing might not be the only way to fight underhanded I think. anime only so not sure


You startled me when I hear my name. YaBoyDanzo lol. Also, Fern can just sneak the Stille because she can surpress her mana to the point of being undetected by Frieren and the demons they fought earlier. So she can just wander and search for the Stille. Frieren has to stay still to surpress her mana that much, that's why they had to limit the Stille to one body of water. That's the way I see it atleast.

dani oz

8:13 you can not tell me this transition was not on purpose. Fern lap pov background switched in and it suddenly got dark lol


I really do like the look in the green hair mage's eyes. Something about a menacing dominant glare is appealing


its funny to me that most of the time Fern facial muscles are dead, unless its with Stark


Yeah seems also retarded that she's shitting on basic spells, when Wirbel seems to just be spamming basic Zoltraak (rather than doing those wave-motion beam attacks Fern etc do, he seems to use more scattershot Zoltraak like using a shotty) & barrier magic himself from the 2 shots we've seen of him using magic


Yeah it's not just Demons shitting on people hiding magic, as Flamme stated it's universal to ALL MAGES as a collective, regardless of species doesn't matter