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when the reward screen popped up with the 3 things he got all of them. 1 was full recovery 2 was stat points and 3 was the loot box

James Fern

the start of this vid, ya'll must be talking about dem dallas cowboys in the playoffs...


Four hours? Yeah I see that and just let the centipede take me

James Fern

With joohee, this is just speculation, but my interpretation is that she felt ashamed of herself, because she's been staying traumatized in bed all day essentially, and even didn't go on to help with a D Rank gate. It's worth saying that taking care of gates isn't just a livelihood but, as shown by the gate reports, a necessary task that keeps society safe. Joohee who is a B Rank healer could arguably be doing a lot more good for the world, South Korea, her city and the people she cares for by going on harder raids. But now she's too traumatized to even go to D Rank Gates. Especially since she's a healer, a person who would directly save lives, I'd imagine it's rather shameful. So, she goes to visit Sung Jin-Woo, the person who faced more trauma than her in that incident, and sees that he's still working hard. Now she's even more ashamed of herself. She's a B Rank who can't even bring herself to enter gates anymore, while Sung Jin-Woo is someone who literally had his leg cut off (I suppose in this world it might be normal to have one healed back by a first-rank healer, perhaps she assumed someone did it when they rescued him) and he's already back on the grind and literally running. I think she feels that she's not good enough for him, and drags him down even though she's the B Rank and he's the E Rank.


Yeeeaah, if (IF) one’s gonna dump all points into one thing, gotta have the hands to back it up.

Edward Chireno

just to put into context, when jinwoo do the daily quest he gets all three rewards, the rewards appeared in the episode : 1.- Full recovery (self explanatory) 2.- Stats Point (3 points for each quest to put into his stats, appeared in the episode too, he is putting all into strenght lol) 3.- Random Loot Box (He got a key for the instant dungeon) each daily quest is all 3 rewards each time


Honestly for our multiple episodes Sister will always be the girl...personally for me. She was always drawn best. For the actual Light Novel...reading isn't really seeing like it was for manga :D

Patrick Rukundo

lol 28:00 yall gotta watch “the wrong way to use healing magic”


I love how his training is the exact same as Saitama in One Punch man, gotta be the strongest lmao


Wait... They have an anime for that now?! Bro! That's one of my favorite manga! I didn't even know they were working on that!


Man, F*** this God and the White Horse he rode in on. Not only do you make 1 in several 10K become vegetables, then kill half the party, but the healer has PTSD and the party leader has to live without his arm. For what? For a GAME? If I was the MC, I'd get a God-Killing Sword from the Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Universe and go HAM.


Wanting more when episode ends is good...ending on THAT tier of cliffhangers is just bullshit tho. Aslo, little to no tutorial? Sounds like "Welcome to DARK SOULS, Bitch!" moment...that reminds me deam I need to get my shit togather and finally Play Sekiro it was on list forever and ALWAYS something else took prio

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Fr didn't even know they animated until I saw that shit like bro mf be animating everything I've read it's like they are watching my ass somewhere 😂


You overthink Lee all you want. Some of us are like minded and wanna hear it! 🤗

Brian Carotenuto

At 28:00 Director and Adorable are talking about working out and doing the full recovery. If that is truly something you're interested in then I suggest you watch the wrong way to use healing magic and that's all I'll say.

Casper Ghost

28:00 y'all should check out "The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic".