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mitch anderson

So it seems like genuine triple liners can choose when to show their third line


YBRL throwing another question as never see real updates what shows you are dropping. So Tsukimichi was out, but are you going to react to Death Mount Death Play Part 2, that is still season 1 stuff it just had that Part break like nowadays animes have.


I update on schedule or announcements like this week. I don’t have any word on those shows. I keep covering the shows that satisfy the most viewers while maintaining variety. As shows enter multiple seasons and or go on break I cant always promise to react to them because there’s simply more material that comes that we can record.


Those are basically patreon only shows if ever recorded and i dont have enough room at the moment and the damn gets larger

Alan Uribe

Ayo lmaooo 29:04. Also my man getting thrown backward in to the bedframe because of his sister's future had me rolling.

Black Hawk

Time stamp 26;22 "Mash just like Jackie Robinson " 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah just asking as it's shows that are continuing and you did start reacting to them, if you can update on shows that you didn't like or actually drop would be nice to know too for your fans.


Mashle gonna be fine. He got Kevin, Tom, Mike, Kim, Yamada, Koji, Satomi, and Yukari supporting him all the way through. I wish I had that many supporting friends.


I don’t think I dropped those shows they went on break or completed the season and I haven’t had an opportunity to pick them up out of all the options we have. I just keep reading comments like yours and follow what the community is looking for.


Yeah my comments don't follow what people spam you on discord or other places. These shows were just shows that you guys already started, but no info will you continue as there is new seasons or parts to them =)