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The Apothecary Diaries ep 8 uncut

Watch "The Apothecary Diaries ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.



All videos posted today say "Video unavailable". Not sure if its related to the storage/bandwidth issue, but wanted to comment just in case.

Random Guy

These animes be giving us ideas on how to kill your ex lovers lololol. lets just hope nobody is stupid enough to try


People be dumb enough to rip off "Murder, She Wrote," of course someone's gonna rip off an anime plot.


It seems it works on the app not on PC. i dont watch things on my phone so ill have to figure something out


Works on pc but either way we’ll replace it when patreons issue is worked out. I appreciate the feedback letting me know what you are going through and will work harder to fix that


I saw someone else comment about it on another vid. Seems its affecting only some ppl, but majority has no issue. Atleast its not a bug affecting everyone! Ill just cast my phone to my TV to watch the vids


if I remember correctly the anime Skipped it but the girl's older sister committed suicide after the guy did that to her. that's why everyone wanted him dead.

John Ng

It was mentioned in a “Blink and you’ll missed it” line. It’s at 18:27 of the reaction. Maomao said, “Wasn’t she worried that someone close to her would die again, like her real sister?”

Alan Uribe

"Look how she massacred my boy!"


Best part of this episode is the relationship between Maomao and her dad. It was cool to see how she looks up to him and how she tries to impress him. Old man is sharp as hell too!


With all the shit that poor Cortisan has to go through usually on the emperor's whims she deserves to laugh that much! 🤣🤣🤣