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Dr Stone S3 ep 18 uncut



My guess is they used the people to calculate the speed, cause I remember as a kid watching Mythbusters, whenever they were measuring speed of a projectile, they would film the projectile flying in front of a white background with black lines equally spaced, and measure the time it took for the projectile to pass each line, so Senku looks at them, calculates the speed of the beam, chucks the revival fluid in the air at the perfect moment, and when it falls on him, he gets back up and bam! The only thing I'm not sure about is if the petrification is done within the sphere or is it wave, like is it wave that starts at the device and moves constantly until it reaches the distance that was said, or half the distance that is 1000m in all directions, and let's say that wave is 2m in thickness, so when the wave passes and the revival fluid hits after you're good, or, if it is a sphere and the whole sphere petrifies for the whole duration of the green light, from 0-999m everything is constantly being petrified within it's radius until it ends, so while it's expanding a bird flies in and gets petrified. Also I'm guessing that the radius is the distance that is being said, I have no evidence to back it up but it seems most logical. Maybe once the fluid hits, since you're still wet from it, it doesn't matter if you're within the petrification sphere, the fluid that is already on you keeps you from petrifying again? AHHH THIS REMINDS ME OF SCHOOL PROBLEMS ALL OVER AGAIN, I DON'T WANNA USE MY BRAIN THIS MUCH FOR AN ANIME


Yeah, that's what I was wondering. Because it seems obvious that Senku must have been petrified at some point for some amount of time, but was freed with the revival fluid. I just don't know if you're good as long as you un-petrify yourself at any point, even if the beam is still active, or you have to wait for the beam to reach the maximum radius and then disperse, then un-petrify yourself. If it's the latter, then that requires a much longer waiting period before the revival fluid could land on Senku.


Exactly, which in turn requires a higher throw of the revival fluid, if it was thrown, and higher accuracy as well. Guess we have no choice but to sit and wait until the next episode 😭


Also, great choice of a profile pic my good sir or madam 👌🏼

Alan Uribe

Ibara is a top tier fiend!


Director deserved the applause you guys gave him cause he had the best brainstorm about how Senku isn't petrified right now! 🧐🤔🤗


Great reaction you guys