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undead unluck ep 8 uncut_1

Watch "undead unluck ep 8 uncut_1" on Streamable.


mitch anderson

Let's gooooooo. Been waiting on this one


34:20 - The only thing about "Phase 2", keep in mind Spoil is a Rule, Andy/Victor is a Vessel, so I'm not sure that he has a phase 2, if anything Victor feels like phase 2, but we'll have to wait and see


Great reaction and discussions. Just like the stars they don't have days of the week?....this world is crazy fr and now I'm wondering if the 1865 tattoo is Andys' or Victor

Neo Don

What I caught that Victor asked about is now bugging me. Is something weird is going on with this world? Why didn’t Shin know what day of the week it was? He didn’t ask like why is it important, he asked it like what concept are you talking about?? This show is mysterious, can’t wait to find more.


Something is definitely cooking in this world. The fact that stars don't exist is strange enough. Which is why Gena thought Fuko's painting was so interesting.

The Law_v1001

No joke the only time I watch this anime is with y'alls reactions because I need helping me brainstorm some of these wild plots they just be throwing in casually