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spy x family s2 ep 8 uncut

Watch "spy x family s2 ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.


Kevin Baker

Such a good arc.


Who WAS this guy, the Hitokiri Battosai?


31:48 Director's "THEN DIE!!" was too damn funny lol


Hiten-mitsurugi style?!


Lol, was that a suble jab against the show from Director? " Of all the show you could have watched in advance, you think it would be this one?" LOL, I'm paraphrasing of course


Its the second one and i wish he didnt comment that cuz folks obviously re watch it lol. But yeah of all the shows I wouldn’t want to rewatch this one other than seeing Yor bad assness on this one. But generally if I understand and can keep up with the plot I wouldn’t rewatch cuz it’s simple but I would rewatch things like Undead Unluck or eminence as a rewatch rewards you imo.