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invincible s2 ep 4 uncut



Lee since you guys have finished invincible until 2024 could you please consider checking out record of ragnarok, you guys will really enjoy the show for its story.


Thats a great suggestion. Thank you for it. We will keep trying to cover as much as possible


Thanks for considering it, it’s actually sad how not many reactors have watched the show and it would be awesome seeing you three watch it


The anime is absolute shit that’s why people haven’t watched it


Your saying that but its legit like baki level animation, but season 2 improves the animation and most people watch it for the story and characters.

Jed U

Bruh that petsmart line took me OUT lmao

Teyon Alexander

I still don’t think Donald is a clone in the show. If Cecil had cloning tech he would have cloned the Guardians of the Globe without thinking twice about it. Especially with all the genetic samples they had lying around the crime scene. It’s more likely he’s an Android . Like a slightly pudgy Terminator. Also it’s Viltrum, like philtrum (the little dent between your lip and nose) but with a “ite” at the end. Viltrumite. Not that important but you seemed concerned about your pronunciation.


Omni-Man is also a big part of why mark is good not just Debbie.

Dylan Sheets

You guys are missing that the "original" is just for that set of the cloning. The original mauler is long dead by now. The reason the "original article" is so important is they believe they get dumber with every cloning so the clone is the dumber one hence not the boss. The cloning isn't a cloning, it's a mind copy, so they'll both have the memories of this "clone" and both will think they are the "clone" or now the original. Robot and Rudy was the best example where Rudy has the mind of robot but is the "clone"


Just shows how people will find any excuse to oppress each other. They are literally the same being lol. In fact I think the clone might be better, it has fresh flesh


As a psych major I'm gonna hard disagree on your interesting pov that it's Mark's responsibility to "fix" his dad. It is never the child's responsibility to tolerate or repair their parents generational trauma, meming or not that is a terrible message to teach kids and incredibly false lesson to learn...I sincerely hope that was all jokes cause if not, the therapy you took and learned was very inaccurate. Your parents need to take responsibility for their actions and get through their own trauma. Yes, you can still love them and want them to do better, but do not sacrifice your own mental health and sanctity for it.


Omni man’s persona more like but true. He wouldn’t wanna be a hero without Omni man

Adam Vialpando

But I think it does bring up a certain problem that cannot be undone. Even though it is almost certain that the original Mauler is long dead there was still always the slim possibility that one of them was possibly the OG. That is why the made the mind transfer so seamless, so both Maulers had the exact same personality and thoughts. But now even that illusion is shattered. The one still alive knows he is 100% a clone and he killed the one who cloned him, so he can't even come with any more arguments that he can be the OG. And if he makes a clone that clone will also know. So unless he finds a way of erasing his memory of that knowledge he is now forever knowing that he is just a copy of the original.


I don’t think we are missing anything I thought it was obvious the original was Long dead anyways so we never brought it up. But ADAM that is a great point I think that’s why I Director had a weird face and couldn’t articulate why thank you

Daniel Gonzalez

Makes sense to me I'd assume his metal exoskeleton is what bent the blade otherwise I dont see that happening without him doing severe damage to himself maybe hitting the bone would do that but I doubt it


or after now, both maulers will remember this and think they are the clone who poisoned the king mauler and keep a secret from other clone

Jordan Postle

Anyone else notice this show makes black people look bad? Lol. I know its not actually like that but just look at it. Lucan is an evil Viltumite, Amber has been good so far this season but her season 1 attitude was bad, the abusive hushband Steve Urkel look a like, Darkwings "sidekick" clearly has some mental health issues, the crime lord dude who tricked Mark and Black Samson started out a douche.


what? how is a viltrumite being black making all black people look bad? viltrumites just look like people, thats all there is to it


By the end of the day viltrumites are mixture of saiyans and kryptonians combined. Omni-Man is still a beast and a loving father lol.


I thought for sure Nolan was some sort of prince or something with all the talk about sired an heir and the Great Nolan. Now I'm not so sure. Then again, VIltrumites are different so if your royalty happens to be weak or break the rules, then they deserve to die too. Yo, actually I ride with that. If I could put kings in jail for drunk driving, you damn well know I would do so.


42:42 that beat her ass sound personal


Uh all the viltrumites are evil him being black doesn’t really mean anything.


The animation is good but from what I understand the story is abit incoherent.


What happened to episode 3?


27:23 Lee is right, don't disrespect Nolan director