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jujutsu kaisen s2 ep 18 uncut_1

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RIP Nanami "Standing on Business" Kento. At least he's able to rest now.


That Beach montage was absolutely beautiful. Best Salaryman in Shonen!


This has to be my favorite part in JJK, I love when characters die. It makes the stakes feel real.


Gege does not care. I've been seeing that Nanami was his favorite character and you see how that turned out. Nobody is safe.

Patrick Rukundo

lol Real niggaz mess with nanami, RIP boss.


Just off his ability alone, Mahito is probably the Best Shapeshifting Fighter I've ever seen! He's pulling off so many crazy transformations in every battle!


The “curse” was Nanami passing his will unto Itadori with the “I leave the rest to you”. We actually see the effect it has on him already when during the fight, Itadori takes a breath and thinks to himself Nanami wouldn’t get angry I’m a jujutsu sorcerer it’s time to stand on business


Also rewatching the scene I don’t think Nanami acknowledged Mahito. The “you’re here?” was for Itadori

Neo Don

If y’all confused on timing in jjk, most times they post the locations and times for important scenes so keep an eye out for those.

God Enel

Those 2 random dudes were actually innocent. They reacted to mahito killing them. Idk wtf they were doing there tho 😂


15:09 & 32:09 I feel your pain Director. 😭😭😭 RIP Kento Nanami. The GOAT!


Nanami saying that to Yuji was spoiled for me, but dammm it still fucking hurts RIP salaryman only salesmen i ever trust


I can't believe I didn't clue in on there being two Mahitos right now possibly fighting at the same time! I though he was just being a cheeky brat to Jogo! 😅 Much love to D. Nasty. Nanami was my guy too and now I hope Itadori rips that smirk right off Mahitos face literally. 🤬


I just knew YBRL would be just laughing his ass off about Mahito. While Adorkable & DS were still little shell shocked from Nanami death.


Well Mahito answers to him "I was always here" and they have dialogue, so no it was for Mahito that sentence or if you really want to think deeply on it it was for both of them.


I heard that he was supposed to die already in that first fight against Mahito in season 1. But he decided to delay it little longer, time was just up for Nanami as he wasn't that strong to deal with the power scaling this show is going off.


he never spoke back to Mahito and they rewound time to show he asked you're here after Yuji came round the corner