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Frieren ep 12 uncut_1

Watch "Frieren ep 12 uncut_1" on Streamable.



17:20 I might be tripping, but I feel like the Hero's Sword was never meant to be pulled out. It's designed to weed out those people who give up too easily. 19:43 Lee eating good this episode, lol


I like to imagine Fern is just constantly casting her "See Through Clothes" Spell whenever she looks at Stark, and calls him Perv to cover it up XD

John Ng

Food for thought: You are the last of your people. You finally meet the other gender of your people. And you both procreate to save your race. Congratulations. Since both of you are the last of your people... how do your children continues to save the race as there's no one else to procreate...? Something to think about 🙃😉


That, or perhaps the Demon King wasn’t the “great calamity bent on destroying the world.” Really makes you think, huh?

Edrei Z.

I wanna believe that that smirk Frieren had while holding the potion is a reference to Anya's smirk because they share the same voice actor. Same VA. Same mad energy.

R'ja Norr

Stark is a good guy and a lot stronger than he realizes, but still very childish. Frieren is smart and powerful, but she spent so much time off the grid she is clueless about social norms. Fern is overly mature for her age (so much so that a person on a forum was insisting she is in her late 20s and too old for Stark), but this is mostly due to the life she has lived and taking care of Frieren.


i knew lee was going to make that feet shot the background never change lee never change 😂

Ross Leonen

Video unavailable?


Thank you for bringing up protection cause that made me realize Fern is actually THE MOST awkward and perverted out of the 3.


Possibility 1: Himmel isn't the prophesized Hero. Unlikely, unless 3. Possibility 2: Himmel IS the Hero, but the Demon King isn't the prophesized great calamity. Least likely, as the Hero's party haven't beaten anything stronger, Frieren's party has beaten the remaining Sages (Qual and Aura), without Stark pulling out the Sword. Possibility 3: Neither Himmel or the Demon King are prophesized. Kraft beat the great calamity a few thousand years ago and then put the sword back. Possible, if we get more backstory on Kraft. Possibility 4: The Hero's Sword is a test of external validation, as my previous post above. Heroes rise to defeat calamities, over and over, throughout the Wheel of Time. Most likely, unless I'm biased.


Just found out the opening song is by the same group who did the openings for Oshi No Ko and Witch from Mercury.

Anthony Nguyen

About the sword, the fact that monsters are instinctively going to the sword even now with the demons king dead means that the sword still got some kind of value.

Anthony Nguyen

Stark's brother goateed though. You posted Adventures of Sinbad just yesterday and Drakon's brother we saw was trash for a great contrast haha

Daniel Turner

I new lee wouldn't miss to save the feet pic


I once challenged two yehowas wittnesses who ringed at my door about the Adam and Eve thing (I usually don't care what people believe in, as long as they let me also be), like they had two sons, so yeah. You are right with your Adam and Eve comment :D


@Fusssell Adam & Eve WEREN'T the only people in existence, just the first God created. There were a few other pairings, and Adam & Eve's kids married their kids essentially. Like you mfs think when Adam & Eve & fam got the boot from Eden, where did they go if there was nobody else outside of Eden by that point in time, hmm?


Yeah mfs forget that deities see shit on an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SCALE. Why would the Goddess give a fuck about some pissant Demon King, when he can't even DESTROY THE WORLD itself? Clearly the sword is meant for the True Hero who is gonna clap some entity who devours worlds or w/e have you, or of equal destruction if they don't actually eat planets n shieet but just cause planet-scale annihilation of everything for lulz


I mean you can acknowledge that the elf race doesn't think about creating offspring but constantly bringing up frieren getting with another elf basically just pushes aside the entire thing of the romance between frieren and himmel. So much of the flashbacks we get is frieren realizing the love himmel had for her and the love she didn't realize she had for him. The whole elf race thing doesn't matter when a priority of the story is her finding out the relationship she had with himmel and her party and the romance and love she had for him without truly realizing it while it was happening.... Im not trying to be rude cause it always seems like I come off through my comments as aggressive but you might as well say at that point lets forget about the relationship with himmel and focus on finding a new love interest to keep the race going. I think its understandable how that can get annoying when the series itself is not prioritizing and focusing on something like that at all but it keeps getting brought up. Again, I'm sorry if I come off as aggressive. I don't want it to seem like I am being rude when saying all of this. Its just something I have to be picky about. Not a big deal just thought it shouldn't really be pushed going forward.


Just me casually trying to catch up on some anime episodes and their reactions that I have let slip by the past couple of weeks and of course I had to complain about something lol.


I hear ya man. We share whats on our mind and i see you to do too. I hope you enjoyed your thanksgiving

Luke Reid

hamburg steak, nice easter egg from spy x family


Adorkable crocheting a cat is a mood.


Yo just wanted to check if it's only on my end that I can't see this and a couple other episodes (Frieren 12-14), somesort of embedding issue.