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Revenent Kdarma ep 4 uncut

Watch "Revenent Kdarma ep 4 uncut" on Streamable.



I was HEATED at that lady in that town....like my goodness. Talk about domino effect of tomfoolery.

kun st

Woww this episode was intense! 💯🔥 Im so curious to find out more, cant wait for the next episode 🥵


Man, this show is getting real interesting. As already mentioned by you guys, it feels like this show is actually depicting humans as the greater evil (or the cause of it). Like the grandma from the village, the loan-sharks and the shaman. All humans like us, but doing terrible things out of selfishness and greed, the ghosts may look evil and scary but they are actually the "victims". I think I also agree that this show will probably have a sad ending, just because of how the story is developing and how it doesn't follow the typical K-drama formula. Anyways, thanks for the awesome reaction guys!


7:40 Lee's laugh. 🤣🤣🤣 Gets me everytime. I'm trying my hardest to pay attention to the scene, the dialogue, the MC's smile, and Lee is over here bursting at the seams. The laughter is contagious.


Theres a lady who switched up in “it’s okay not the be okay “ same thing and was laughing at the homie lmao. I’ll never whoop my stuff out around these ladies and get laughed at. Lmao. They are so good at it in this genre lol.

strange& sleepless

What she did with the money is understandable. She didn't wanna take money she knew she couldn't ever pay back. We as the viewers trust him, but she doesn't know him THAT well so why take the risk of ruining your life (that's already in shambles) entirely by getting yourself into a situation just like that girl with the loansharks