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Watch "LOVE, CHUNBIYO AND DELUSIONS ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.


Lazzie Boi

I love watching Lee be genuinely happy for these characters.


28:16 Since we're talking about Rikka making pacts with Yuuta, she already "claimed" him from episode 1. "But you saw my eye. That completes our pact." "We're spirits soulmates."

Daniel Gonzalez

Great reaction thanks crew hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving thought it was a great episode the stuff with Yuta and Rikka was super cute also Ishikki be taking that L for no reason

tracee miasco

will u guys jump straight to season 2 after this? Or does it depend on whether you guys like it enough that you guys will go towards season 2?


Damn this relationship has no business being this cute. idk when the last couple actual gave me such levels of diabetes

John Ng

Yamada Anna and Ichikawa - The Dangers In My Heart 😉


thanks for posting lee

R'ja Norr

While I get where big sister is coming from, she is going about it all wrong. I think their mistakes started with keeping Rikka in the dark till the end and then practically demanding that she "grow up" and "get over" it. They didn't tell her cause they thought she was too young to understand, well if you treat someone like a child don't be surprised if they act like one.


I resubbed for this, been loving the reactions .


They are in highschool not middle school. Dekomori is in middle school.