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Black Hawk

From the intro to time stamp 6:30 it's just comedy. Please enjoy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


goddamn uchiha genes makin the sister look fine af

Wolfking Theoutlaw

When we getting a Lee “Arm extension” Chunibyo skit haha

rune kongstad larsen

when you started doing reactions to this show i was very happy. not just because it was so rare to see a reaction for this show, but also because the best reacters out there where doing the reaction :D

tracee miasco

what ep is the romance gonna start its been so long since I've seen this sho

Daniel Gonzalez

Takes one to know one but seriously can't believe its yaboyfootlee making that comment he knows which basically those living in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones

Daniel Gonzalez

Just noticed you replied and no its not ok I was joking about you calling Yuta a foot guy when yknow, I literally did a double take when I heard that but my bad if it wasnt clear just know i was trying to joke about basically the pot calling the kettle black


4:25 dang adorkable giving off bully vibes lmfao