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mitch anderson

This isnt 15 lol, this is 16. Guel's episode is 15

Kevin Baker

Dang, mitch is right. Wrong ep, friends.


Nah, I hated Miorine in this episode! That was way too cold. "Doing this for her benefit"? BULLSH*T!


Hey Lee, So, this is Ep 17 ""Precious Things". The last thing we saw uploaded was Ep 14 "What They Wish For". So 2 Episodes are missing.


wrong episode BUT as a grown ass lesbian i gotta say GWitch has some of the most accurate portrayals of teenage dyke drama and I'm SO DELIGHTED to see you grown men having to witness it and be absolutely flummoxed and enraged. it do be like that


Yo this was a really scummy and underhanded epsiode. Great writing.