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NO WAYYYY i'm so excited for this


I KNEW YOU WOULD LOVE IT!!!! lissen it caught me immediately!!!


I'm glad you guys are liking it! I wanna say I mentioned this first way back when it first came out but Lee ignored it lol so either way I'm happy we get another spooky show~

LightMyPath Star

Who needs sleep? Not me for sure. Woke up early for this post 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Great start. I love scary stuff.

kun st

YAAASSS been waiting for thisssss




It started off slow for me, so at first I was like 'idk about this' but then it picked up. Now I need to see more!


Happy someone finally watching this show. Tae-Ri is such a great actress and person, known her from this drama and then watched "Twenty five Twenty one" and confirms her talent even more

strange& sleepless

oooh this is actually kind of creeping me out


Director Nasty was in his game so funny. My back hurts...I can't do demons, haha turned into comedy this show.