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this is hilarious


Devin B

Roshi Matakara didn't make a confused face when Arajin was talking about the girl the other episode, he made a confused face because Arajin thought he won the fight against her brother


Sheera gets it

Devin B

Also Roshi in your spare time watch either Free or SK8 Infinity, both of them has the same writer as this and are examples of something that has gay undertones but surprisingly isn't actually gay

Butthead faxe

sheera and roshi arguing over if it's gay or not😭😭 this why yall the funniest reaction channel I swear

Berts Tv

Yelling" that nigga want his butt" was hilarious 😄


They missed bro saying “I felt your Honki person” which tells us why he’s so interested in Ara-teen 😭😭


Roshi is reaching 😭😭 LMAODJSJD he’s so loud and wrong but I’m here for it 😭


Sheera and Roshi arguing in the beginning was hilarious

Butthead faxe

they hate roshi cuz he speaks the truth😔

Garion pope

Sheera was fighting those allegations Roshi was making XD


"THAT NIGGA WANT HIS BUTT!!" "So you wouldn't let me stretch you?"


The "is it gay or not" discussion is why y'all should watch Sk8 the Infinity. It's also just skateboarding on crack and hilarious as hell - watch the dub!

Samuel XK

team roshi on this, hahahaaha

zILovePelmeni _

matakara made the face because arajin said he won the fight against siguma leader. just like when senya made the exact same face when arajin thought he won against Ken. Both times he got knocked out so he doesnt remember thats why they make the face like "huh you didnt win"

Alexander Szabo

HAHAA! Roshi really had to give Lupa the "Paul"-bruh moment


It’s not a spoiler, this is a anime only show, I’m watching along with them 😭, that’s just my personal opinion


Calm down Paul


Roshi has a suspiciously high gaydar level 🧐


Looks like its time for another episode of the Honky-tonk boys


Lupa's real name is Paul?? How does the most jamaican man on the panel have the whitest name

Devin B

Until I see niggas kissing each other it's not gay, sus asf for now but not gay


this was funny as hell and theres definitely gay undertones but i dont think its actually gonna be gay (if that makes sense) these shows always do that when its a bunch of male characters lmao its kinda like sports animes if you think abt it


Funny enough it's pretty common in the Caribbean. Sure, you have the stereotypical names, but I personally know a TON of Caribbean people who have the whitest names lol. *I'm from the Caribbean and look at my name lol

Nick Vaughn

Soooooo…is Arajin gonna be a power bottom by the end of this? 😂


The discussions on this show are actually hilarious

Miekala Jones

Sheera: He's just stretchin his back out! Yeah that back is about to get blown out by the end of the series 😳

Hasnain Khan


Kekeke 7

Did not know Lupa is an anagram for Paul

Themperor Xaquayza

if he does like him like that, i think it's so cute and wholesome :p

Ginger Dwarf

Called him his whole government.

Ginger Dwarf

Also I dunno why people are so certain one way or the other on the relationship. It's anime only. We LITERALLY cannot know at this point xD


not roshi calling out lupa government name, i am dead

Miekala Jones

FACTS! Like I would love for it to be a love relationship, but you know what, I'm fine with friends too lol. Tbh I feel like his friend deserves better anyways 😆


I'm sticking with the not gay until proven wrong. The hitting people to thing is a interesting theory though.


I’m watching this show on crunchy, and sooo many people can’t stand the MC 😭 how do you guys feel about him?


You usually see those with a “sister complex” it’s rare to see the “brother complex”

Clrissa young

Mc is annoying everything else is funny. Feels like a diet but someone how more JoJos. Especially with the poses

A. P.

This shit is hilarious 😂

Terry King Jr

I really don't like Arajin, should've made his childhood friend homie the MC.


roshi reaching left and right with the relationship dynamics lmao i would go back and rewatch the scenes roshi think you misread them


Roshi probably not right but it be funny if the MC avoids his former best friend because he gay and wanted the cheeks.


This show definitely has gay undertones I mean cmon dudes were standing in front of the rainbow flag when they were doing the brothers backstory


Every reactions are chaos lmaoo, but im still not with Roshi lol


Damn lupa had roshi all flustered and shi😳😂

Jacob The weird

You know it’s serious when Roshi pulls out the government name lol


"Paul" Immediately I was rolling on the floor, my dude pulled out the real name 😭🤣


yeeaaah you wouldn't let me stretch you? lmao

Bria A.

I’m just here to watch how the debate plays out either way but for the moment I’m just gonna ‘“People be gay.” —Quinta Brunson’ my way through it and vibe lmao


“I DONT BLUSH AROUND MY BEST FRIEND” *proceeds to blush next to his best friend* 😂😭


He didn't make that face last episode because he likes him, it was because he thought he won the fight against the brother it was a running joke throughout the episode..

Jaelyn Mcgee

The Paul name drop had me dying so loud I woke my mom up. Also I love Lupa and Roshi's dynamic that you can tell what joke Lupa is trying to make, with him barely saying anything. The whole trio has a such a great talent for comedy


Nah I’m on roshi side plus it too many gay undertones a bunch of guys in front of a rainbow flag saying welleCUM with a heart hmmm. (Nothing wrong with it just further proves which way this show is going)


Roshi deadass right cause the Gay is shining 😂 Sheera really can't see mans was blushing and getting flustered - Son heartbroken


You trio ought to watch Crow zero 1 & 2, if you'd like these juvenile geng geng shit minus the gay vibes(which I'm not bothered at all).


Belzebub please such a forgotten classic 😭


I'm not like actively annoyed by him, but he does feel like the weakest part of the show. He's like a less interesting Denji from Chainsaw Man. The art style and characters around him are fun though, but Arajin is getting carried by Senya in more ways than one


Watch Given, it's definitely not gay.

Devin B

Lol why lie. I watched the show without knowing it would be full on gay as it goes on.


Sheera give up it not both way it one way and that way is Roshi way lol


Bucchigiri, infinity skate, free it’s all fruity man, it’s all for the fruits 🫶🏻


Please the shenanigans 😭

General Grevious

Ain’t nothing wrong with stretchin out the homies😂


Y'all are so fucking funny man I swear to god lmao