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Barry in full actor mode



Barry is getting better with acting

Oni Legend

Man with how crazy and clownshoes last episode was and just how funny the show can be, its easy to forget just how dark and fucked up a lot of this shit is. Like this whole thing with Sally and acting out her abuse and the rehearsal and how real it felt for a second is just…..heavy as fuck She really should not be doing this scene. Blasting your deepest unhealed traumas for random strangers to critique and be entertained by

Jamaal Ellison

This nigga Barry emptied his void and became wind during his acting scene.


Barry’s gotta go save his bro(Hank)

Tejiri Ubiedi

Barry out here tapping into the Dark Hado 💀

Kai Lee

The contrast between Sheera's reaction to the Sally scene and Lupa's has me 💀

DsWorldd •

Yall ain’t see that dark aura surrounding Barry on the stage?😂

Hasnain Khan


john segun doe

I mean he was pretty straight faced that whole scene except when he laughed for something for a bit

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:25:18 It's crazy how good of an actor you have to be able to act "bad" well enough in a show that when you act good it stands out to the degree Sally and Barry were able to achieve on stage there. So talented
2024-01-30 21:25:40 It's crazy how good of an actor you have to be able to act "bad" well enough in a show that when you act good it stands out to the degree Sally and Barry were able to achieve on stage there. So talented

It's crazy how good of an actor you have to be able to act "bad" well enough in a show that when you act good it stands out to the degree Sally and Barry were able to achieve on stage there. So talented

Kumi Chan

Was barry actually choking her ? Or am I wrong?

Kumi Chan

I dont think so cause Sally practiced the action with barry beforehand, and performed the act pretty well

Mark M

Fuches tells Barry " everyone's the hero of their own story" and sallys ex tells her the same thing, showing a parallel between their abuse


Not sure if the 3 of them realized it and just didn't verbalize it, but Barry didn't actually choke her in the scene.


That little hop fuches did when he saw the car was hilarious


yeah they tell you that by clearly showing him waiting for her to go into the choke like they rehearsed init.

rickie woodson

such a good episode. THIS is what i love about the show. the REAL. so many great life lessons can be learned from barry and sally's character arcs if you just take it earnestly. i hope folks who are looking to better themselves can get rid of the fuches in their lives so their growth isnt stunted. one of the hardest (and often most pertinent) when working on self improvement is to rid yourself of those who are bad influences on you. just remember: misery loves company, but happiness stands alone. YOU CAN DO IT! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND DONT LET NO BODY HOLD YOU DOWN!

rickie woodson

poor hank. well, barry to the rescue i guess

Champion Bescos

Bill Hader knocked it out of the park this episode with his acting. Just like he did in episode 7 last season. Damn.

A. P.

Needed a lil Noho Hank and Fuches's tomfoolery after that episode of The Bear lol

John Cedar

Sally the character actually acted good enough to convince them it was real 😂

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 02:25:18 This was deeply hard to watch having witnessed stuff like this in the past
2024-01-31 03:59:28 This was deeply hard to watch having witnessed stuff like this in the past

This was deeply hard to watch having witnessed stuff like this in the past

Smash Bran'Discootch

The "So she probably drinks" line was Lindsey trying to convince Sally that the character had some sort of emotional death other than "Wife".

Corey Leach

Welp the chaos only escalates from here lmao


He stuck his hand out like darth Vader bc he couldn’t bring himself to even go near her neck, no way in hell when she leaned into it he then started choking her. She just sold it.


Barry gotta get rid of Fuches. Like how you go from giving Barry up to the cops & wearing a wire. Feeling bad about that to the point you try to not get him to come to your hotel room. Then the moment he says he doesn’t want to deal w/ you anymore, you get so upset you go & pull this BS w/ looking for evidence about Janice killing. Why? Because i said Gene understands me better than you? Get the fuck on somewhere.

General Grevious

He should have acted like he was going along with what Fuches said and then killed him


this is the episode ppl really started disliking fuches. i for sure did and even more in the next 2 seasons hes the only character i cant stand , and yeah rewatching s1 he's funny even in a couple in s2 but knowing the lore already he annoys me. i come to hate barry too but at least its not so annoying lol


The way Akhmal pronounces hank's name will never not be hilarious 😂.


He is not abusive, just angry. Sally is a lying worm just like he said. You would be mad as well if someone left you because you had anger issues and then that same person tries to tell a public story about how you abused her witch is a lie, you would all be mad in sam¨s shoes. lets stop defending manipulating bitches like Sally please.

Riley Votskos

never in my entire life have I witnessed a human being misunderstand a show as poorly as you have lil bro 🙏like genuinely how do you come to this abhorrent conclusion.


This is up there with the "Helldivers II isn't satire" discourse.


You all forget during his flashback, fuches was the only one there for him when he got back from deployment. Idk the backstory since they haven’t revealed it yet, but he’s the only person who knows berry and all he’s done. Plus berry can’t just do expressing how he really feel cause dude a straight up murderer


I love you for this, so many idiots think helldivers and fallout is non satire lately lol