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Dinner taste like straight stress



oh yea noice

Michael Pamon



Yesss, I've been waiting for this!

Nick Vaughn

The most stressful episode of any show I’ve watched in years. This felt like a movie forreal


This and the next episode are PIQUE TV we eating this week


I was not expecting Bob Odenkirk to be in this when I first watched this episode

Oni Legend

Welp…..I’ve now had to abandon everything productive i’m doing to watch these uploads


im already stressed i aint even hit play yet


Oh we eating with this one!

Skye Brooklyn

this nigga saw 256 weeks to open and said “so like a year ago” the education system has failed us bruh💀💀💀💀💀


Love how it said 256 weeks to open and roshi said “yeah like a year ago” shit had me crying

Jose Iglesias

“256 WEEKS to open” Roshi : Yeah that’s like a year ago

KingKai _

Sheeras dirty finger phobia


lmao that's what I immediately noticed, ain't a year 52 weeks lol

Annxe B

this nigga Roshi said a year, good God LMAOOOO

Wasted Potential

Roshi should have said "at least a year ago", and while that would still bother people, he would be technically correct


Ngl my dumbass also thought this happened a year before Mikey died for some reason. That's just the vibe I got I guess. But Richie's wife being barely pregnant should have been a big hint since we've seen his kid is like 5 years old


nah bruh if any of yall have a fam like this , i hope you rest in peace some day cuz this isnt bearable, episode makes you bite your nails off

Nick Vaughn

Fun fact…That conversation between Carmy and Sarah Paulson was completely improvised


Hell Yeah.


Lupa with the serious question. How you go from a chaotic kitchen to a perfectly set table? 😂

Roxy Rezerina

Bear got my man roshi clutchin his chest im crying

Twin Hallow

They are good at making shit feel chaotic and anxiety filled in this show lol.


Heartbreaking seeing the kids dissociate from the absolute chaos so much of the mom is mirrored in Mikey even

Nick Vaughn

Who would y’all cast to play the father of this family? I’m curious if we’ll ever see their dad in future seasons via flashbacks

Megan Campbell

I clean up as I go, too, Sheera 🙋🏼‍♀️ lol

Rico Ayala

We are officially here


This is my favorite episode of the season so far. Their family is just as crazy as the kitchen.


It was roughly five years before the present - 52 weeks per year. It's long before Mikey killed himself and Carmy took over the restaurant, and some time before Carmy went to work at Eleven Madison Park in NYC (it's a real restaurant).


This is actually pretty similar to my family. My mom is just like that and my sister is like Mikey. I feel a lot like carmy at times


Living at home must have been like the hyperbolic time chamber of stress for Carmy


Mikey’s very much a momma’s boy. Donna throwing the spoon at Stevie mimicked Mikey throwing the forks at the end. And Donna threatening to kill herself with the gun was probably a regular occurrence in the household, something imprinted on Mikey who shot himself.


I had to take a long deep breath after that, didn't breathe the entire time!

Anna Anthony

The couch trio serving Camo-Professional Lewks ❤️‍🔥🔥🔥. Also this episode went nutella. I think I liked this better than the one shot. Loved seeing what Michael meant to different people. John Mulaney almost made me cry

Twin Hallow

Bro, That whole ppl telling the same story shit does get exhausting though. Like I dont wanna be rude but also, this is the one millionth time I've heard this story lol. That shit always happens to me.


Sending love bro. Hope you have a place of peace🙌🏾


Uncle Lee's tone wasn't it at times but overall, I was on his side. Handling an addict does not mean enabling him. The family just let Michael act a fool with the most weak ass attempts to reel him in.

Kigen Maina

man this episode was heavy…idk if you guys picked up on it but it was heavy on portraying mental illness and what it can do to a family. donna probably has a severe form of bipolar disorder or bpd*…from the mood swings, to the drinking, to the messy kitchen. she refused the help bc lacking insight can be part of it. sadly she also passed traits of mental illness to her kids both w the environment they were raised in and probably genetics…mikey suffered from serious depression, carmy got serious anxiety from it all…nat miraculously well adjusted but wants to save everyone. it’s a tough tough episode, but insanely well written and filmed

Thiago Silva

This episode was fckn heavy, and tomorrow is going to be so good, excited


when i watch this episode all i can think is that im grateful that my family dinners are not the slightest this crazy

Twin Hallow

That shit was wild lol. That family was going through it. Certain things remind me of certain family members too.

Oni Legend

Hell of an episode. Stacked cast across the board. Heavy and fucked up all the way through. Jamie-Lee Curtis and Jon Bernthal are like duking it out for best performance in the show. Like her acting as Donna this episode was PHENOMENAL and she did a great job protraying an insanely mentally ill character. A lot of people have said that Donna on top of being an alcoholic thats self-medicating, also seems to struggle with some form of BPD(Borderline personality disorder) or Bi-Polar disorder with manic episodes. I’ve seen people that have said they have family members with BPD that acted a lot like Donna did with massive mood swings, suicidal ideations, refusing help then complaining, manic outbursts, and then most especially focusing a lot of malice onto one specific person(that being Sugar) Like Carmy’s trauma from all this is one thing. After his monologue last season where we find out he didn’t become such a good chef out of passion but out of coping with his issues with his brother, we take it even further to find out he doesn’t cook out of love or passion at all. Just out of soothing and it being the only thing he knows. And its really sweet when Sarah Paulson asked him to come stay with her in NY but it sucks because we know what he went through while he was there(the thing with the head chef) Sugar tho…..man that’s so fucked up. Imagine being the caretaker child and receiving so much MALICE from your own parent telling you to fuck ofd, treating you like shit, refusing to let go of simple mistakes. She literally just wanted her mom to be ok and got the worst of the abuse. And it’s a surprise she turned out as functional as she did with all of that Episodes like this really just recontextualize a lot of characters actions and lines because we get to see more of WHAT made them that way and how things used to be.

Oni Legend

And honestly…it’s kind of mirrored in Carmy too a little bit, like some of the outbursts and things he said in episode 7 were similar to how Donna acted here


From the POV of the mum, imagine constantly being asked are you okay providing for us? Constantly asking if you need help with this meal she’s done before. Ofc shes not okay, she’s been up all morning and day trying to do something special for her family. They didn’t have to do anything, she wanted it to be a gift from her. This is how she’s expressing her love but they keep checking if she’s capable. Ofc she’s mentally ill so she’s missing the concern and love her family and sugar have for her.


I'm gonna be "that guy" real quick in the comments but I love this show and want to add any info for anyone else to really understand what's happening. (Long comment coming up) Donna (their mom) very clearly suffers from mental illness. I know towards the end of the reaction you guys picked up on it but I can't stress enough that although the alcohol is probably used to cope and exacerbates her issues, the mental illness is the real underlying issue. She's almost like a ticking time bomb that her children have had to develop coping mechanisms towards and learn how to operate around her. Natalie (the sister), like most daughters do towards mothers struggling with mental illness, tries to take on the caretaker role. Always asking "are you okay" and trying to approach with sympathy but unfortunately because of Donna's mental state is seen more as an attack rather than care. Donna shows signs of narcissism, which shows in her "nobody cares about me" even though everyone spent the entire episode trying to help her. Everyone's signs of affection towards her for the most part has been a way to "talk her down" and stop her from having an outburst. You can assume that this isn't the first time she's acted like this based off of the conversations happening throughout the night. Eve worse, everyone telling her that the dinner looked "beautiful" as she cried wasn't out of love and consolation, but more like a plea. A way to appease and calm her down as one would a person their afraid of. The more tragic parts of this episode come from the Mikey interactions. Season 1 we heard (for the most part) nothing but good about Mikey. We heard the grief from character to character of what a great guy he was but this episode we really saw more of his fleshed out character. He was an addict. He was a human being with real struggles that unfortunately made him commit actions that blow past the zone of sympathy. Was he struggling with his own demons? Yes. Was he a loving brother to his brother and sister? Yes. But he was also a hothead, one who had no problem popping off and hurting others, as well as putting his loved ones in uncomfortable situations. He screams, attacks, insults, isolates, is selfish and ultimately probably hurt more people than he did good. But he was Carmen's brother. Tl;dr: Donna is a mentally abusive mother and everyone knows it. They spend the whole episode trying to calm her down in fear. Mikey is a tragic character in more ways then one. The Bear is gas.

Devin B

Sometimes the best food be coming out of rundown places

Felipe V

*256 WEEKS to open* Roshi: "Ah yes about a year ago" 💀😂


Sheera's so gorgeous mane


yet provoking an addict is also not a smart idea, lol Lee is extremely condescending


This flashback is great because it shows how their upbringing has negatively impacted each of the Bears, and why they are the way they act in current time. Mikey’s inability to stay focused on one task, Carmie’s inability to process his emotions healthily, and Sugar’s desire to help other’s at the detriment of herself are byproducts of their mothers instability


I just noticed something it might be nothing but there’s three bears (carmy, Michael and sugar) and the mum has blonde hair. Accidental reference to Goldilocks and the three bears?

Jill I

Jon Bernthal...aka Michael, looked really good in that teal shirt. Nice color.

Antifa Lockhart

excellent take for sure. and it's also an interesting revelation that her nickname that we assume comes from a place of love ends up coming from a traumatizing moment in her life. like clearly the whole family is a cooking family and so the fact that a long time ago she fucked up some gravy one time and now has a nickname that constantly reminds her of that definitely adds to her trauma. I feel so bad for everyone man lol


I can’t even imagine growing up in an environment like that this episode really lived up to the hype

Devin B

Steven was my favorite in this episode, he just chills in the back and watch the chaos unfolds, he even enjoy it enough to go along with the Faks idea


I don't think anyone's bothered, it was just funny as shit. We all say dumb things time to time.


Fishes and Forks are almost required viewing together, Fishes to destroy your mental health and Forks to restore it. Hell of a duo of episodes.


I think the mom has bipolar depression. I could be wrong


Britta’s there? She’s the worst

Hasnain Khan



Lol both of them were extremely condescending. The way Michael was talking to people, not just Lee, this episode was absolutely not okay. You don't calm an addict who is tripping (literally and figuratively) with meekness and soft I love you's. No wonder he ended like he did :/ The writers did their research.


Everyone says this episode is “stressful” and like, yes. But it’s also a lot more. It’s incredibly well constructed. So happy to have this reaction


There's another bear in this episode - Michelle Berzatto (Sarah Paulson), who is an actual cousin of Mikey, Nat, and Carm (unlike Richie, who is just a really close friend of the family but not related to them).


That makes a lot of sense, but it seems like she's probably also an alcoholic, which is presumably where Mikey got his addiction issues from.


I knew yall were gonna clap me for the 256 weeks thing lol I saw “days” on first glance lol but I corrected myself mid episode so suck it lol


Jamie Lee Curtis has to be an absolute lock to win the Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series for her performance in this episode. I'm not exactly sure why they categorize this show as a comedy, but they do.


*Roshi punching air over ppl not watching the full reaction from somewhere in the middle of the South China Sea xD


The restaurant where Carm worked at in NYC, Eleven Madison Park, is a real restaurant that has three Michelin stars (highest ranking possible), and it was in fact ranked the best restaurant in the world in 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleven_Madison_Park

john segun doe

Bro.... Just.. Bro. What a great ep this was


I'm thinking their father is deceased. He's referenced in S1-E4 as having been Uncle Jimmy's best friend, and Unc tells a story about being in a car with him 20 years ago and getting into a bad accident in which their father was ejected through the windshield. I can't remember when, but I'm pretty sure at some point Carm said he barely knew his father, so he either died or disappeared (prison, maybe?) when Carm was very young.

James Stephenson

So y'all never seen community. Y'all don't recognize Britta from community


Donna comes across as more BPD than bipolar. Mood swings are fast and vicious.


somewhat fair but Lee was definitely provocative, even going out of his way to be so.


But she does this to herself because everyone including her acknowledges that no one eats the seven fishes. So she’s basically making trouble for herself just so that she can complain later on.

Red Death

Sure but Michael fucking hates Lee so hearing that shit from him would be fucking grating. If it was from Richie or Carmy, maybe he could've changed but they loved him too much and had their shit going own to do so.


They finally made it to my favorite episode of the entire show. Richie wasn't yapping about the job he humbled himself and asked for help. The man isn't proud of his job and wanted to be a better provider for his family. Honestly if it worked out he'd probably still be with his ex wife. It takes a lot for a man to say he's struggling. Ritchie has always had potential but he never had proper guidance. Shit he barely has a family he was basically raised by the Bearsattos. The Ritchie disrespect gotta stop. Cicero was fucked up for hearing all that knowing his background and basically dismissing it all. He wasn't even asking for a job but a opportunity to learn from someone he views as successful and Cicero just said "I don't get it" because he didn't want to. I understand why Ritchie and him don't get along. Ritchie probably got sick of the guy he asked for help disrespecting him. Another thing I'd like to add is fuck Lee he's been a dick all night and you aren't going to call me nothing in my house in front of my family while I'm trying to maintain having a good time while going through the worst years of my life. Talk about kicking a man while he's down. Fuck him. I remember thinking that Lee should get fucked up for his bullshit and after watching this episode 5 times I'm still thinking he should be fucked up for his bullshit. Just like Lupa said you aren't going to come into my house and call me pussy and sugar needs to stop asking people if they are fucking ok. The final thing I'd like to say for Ritchie is this as Sheera said if this is how family dinner is she'd never go think about the fact that Ritchie knows this is the normal experience and still chose this over his actual family that's how much they mean to him. I doubt anyone would choose this if they had other options. I'd choose the most ghetto waffle house over this. Ritchie loves that family even Cicero.

Jigga Man

You'd swear the car was coming through the studio 😂 my man jumped tf back


Donna's behavior fits borderline personality disorder to a T.


Ritchie was given a job from Jimmy, but the fallout’s brought up in season 1 episode 4 where Jimmy’s wife tried calling Ritchie but accidentally kept calling Mikey instead, and she ended up hurting herself or some other noodle incident.


Stress the episode

Azzy V

Oh my god I fucking love that I’m not the only one 😫😫

Papa Souls

I would have stood up, walked over to lee and struck him him so Mikey didn't have too. Even if everything he said was true, the timing, the place, and way he said it will only cause more harm and someone needed to shut him up. Too bad it had to be through violence


I think Sugar is much better off for having Pete as a partner. For all the shit he gets from the Berzattos, he's a decent person with a non-traumatic/batshit family background. Without going into detail, I love his bit in the final episode, and contrast it sets up between Sugar and Carmy.


The Faks and Stevie provided much needed levity in the episode in between the heavy scenes.



Mulaney was lowkey the MVP of the episode for me as Stevie.

Michael Pamon

This episode further validates that Carmy was the chef that Luca/Will Poulter was referring to.


Yeah know they’re joking about the emotions getting into the food, but apparently Donna’s food is fire.


Sheera I agree completely. Mother’s side of the family is just like this (and I assume riddled with personality disorders ). Last year I had the unfortunate pleasure witnessing a ‘Christmas dinner’ that was literally nothing but throwing insults, threatening to fight each other and inheritance bs. I feel for Carmy because you can tell from this episode how much trauma had affected his career (remember in the first episode his memory of his old boss saying he is a nobody and insulting him)

Devin B

She was still kind of annoying after the first season but she started to chill towards the end


Fr if I was Ritchie I'd have to hit him. You aren't going to talk to my best friend that's like my brother like he's a piece of shit when you have no idea what he's going through. I'd have to hit him so Michael wouldn't murder him at the dinner table. Some motherfuckers need to be hit. I remember a comedian once said "Something about pain makes motherfuckers understand."


Maybe but she's also a chef that's been dealing with all that stress for years and her husband is dead. She's probably feeling like she's dealing with this alone and she kind of is even if her kids what her to talk about it think about how demoralizing that is. You need your kids to take care of you instead of the other way around.

Mark M

One of the best tv episodes of all time in my opinion. the conversations in this show just feel real on a completely different level from other shows

Antonio Williams

Inside all of the chaos are absolute gems. I just realized that the mom's "results only" attitude towards her cooking mimics Carmy's initial mindset that he explained during his monologue last season. She pulls an "Obviously I'm okay. Look at what I made" . Basically, the mom, Carmy and Mickey are all able to lose themselves in something food related to escape how messed up they are. Also this was 5 years ago. Also also they said this was the last family dinner. Also also also...I think this was the last time Carmy even came to Chicago. The cousin asks if he wants to come to NY and he winds up finding a job and working there (this is just after he left Copenhagen ). So for 200+ weeks, dude ran from this crapshow by hiding in New York.


We've never seen the extreme highs so it's impossible to tell. If anything this is more like Severe depression that turned into anhedonia she's still about to highly operate but all she feels is stress, sad, and anger.

Mark M

yeah but in a big group setting where people haven't heard the story, you kinda just have to understand

Azzy V

Dissociation is a real thing and it makes sense why they zone out it’s a trauma response this was a fire episode

Beckett Cullen

John Mulaney is so good in this episode one of my favorite stand ups


let’s go finally off work can watch when i eat


This is the comment I was looking for… nailed it… thank you


Donna is hella bipolar among other things

Champion Bescos

This was my favorite episode of television this past year. An absolute MASTERCLASS in acting from such a huge ensemble, and a gold standard for writing, directing, and editing. The more times I watch it (this being my fourth time) the more there is to appreciate in its nuance and details. An episode full of character work, callbacks, foreshadowing, and thematic weight. Episode also hit hard on a personal level, like a lot of people. My pops was like Lee and one of my brothers is practically Mikey - both of them were veterans and later addicts - and my mum (at her lowest points) echoes Donna more and more often... Mental illness is fucking hard for everyone. It really sucks. For those who come from families similar to this or are going through that battle yourself, I hope you find peace, balance, and love in magnitudes you couldn't imagine.

Colin Boehling

bro shera please stop peaking the mic and complaining about everything. other than that great watch XD


@1:01:48 Sarah Paulson looks dead at us… woah lol


I love how Lupa “angry food” talk from s1 came back lol, full circle fr. (This time Roshi said it but we both know Lupa was already on it 😂)


Facts, and I love characters like that. Who are obviously smart but they don’t have to say some make up (math/science) shit to seem smart.


@CentipedeKid kids shouldn't be responsible for their parents' emotional well-being. It's supposed to work the other way around. This is classic situation with personality disorders (borderline and narcissistic) and ends up fucking the kids up.

Oni Legend

Yeah its crazy because i know for people theres this whole thing of like “Sugar pushes Pete around a lot and calls the shots” but it’s….honestly kinda what she needs you know? Like for once she’s the one that’s being taken care of and considered rather than constantly having to chase after caring for someone else. It adds a whole other element to her frustration with Carmy last season where she was mad at him for not talking to her. You can easily see it as for her she’s not gonna let yet another family member dodge her and punish her for trying to be there and care for them. Especially because at this point Carmy’s the only one really left with some sanity

Devin B

And even from him saying grace you can tell he's just happy to be a part of this family no matter how chaotic they are


Would love if next season episodes are 45mins to an hour each episode😭 that 30mins dont be enough

Twin Hallow

It is wild to bring it up in a group setting. Guess that was his boiling point or something.


Jesus christ, this is hard to watch, I'm getting stressed just watching it.

John Cedar

That cry from Mikey in the middle of the episode was so hard, it was like he already knew he wouldn't really be happy again despite making plans with Carm, maybe he already had an idea of killing himself one day, even back then. Everything just overflows, and Jon Bernthal also does a good job of portraying someone who is clearly on a substance and mostly remaining coherent but then completely changes in demeanor when you look at them closely.

Xavier Baker

Tbh, I respect Lee for standing on business ,he wasn't bout to just take two forks to the fucking face ,because lets be honest ,niggas in the comments have lost their shit for less ,im not saying what he said was right ,but he laid the fucking truth on the table and STOOD ON BUSINESS,come on now,him being an addict is fucked up yes ,but nigga if you dont stop throwing forks imma flame you ,and he clearly wasn't gonna stop even if Lee had stfu ,so Lee being Lee flamed his ass ,and we ALL have that one nigga that your like "Ok bro ,we've heard this repeatedly ,stfu" difference is Lee had the balls to do it ,granted some ppl didnt hear the story,and it was FAMILY tradition(I can respect that) and he couldve just left the room as a grown ass adult ,but again aint nobody tryna hear that shit AGAIN,all im saying is yall gotta give Mike some accountability as well,he became an addict with his own decisions made as a grown ass man too,his family just didnt have the heart to tell him straight up and as it is and i get that ,but softness can only get you so far ,and besides Mike really only reacted like that because he didnt like what he was hearing,which was the truth to an extent ,ofc he didnt know what Mike was going through and i can empathize with that on Mike's account,but dont throw a fucking utensil at somebody yk will tell you bout yourself,its dumb,because the fact of the matter is that apart from outside influences(any childhood trauma he has from growing in such a household etc)anything that happened to Mike.....is also on Mike,im sure nobody held his hands down the path of drugs and contemplation to follow through of self deletion,certain factors may have shown him that path but "You can lead a Donkey to water,but you cant force him to drink(JM version for my fellow JamRockians:Yuh can carry donkey guh water, but Yu caan mek im drink ih",which is a Jamaican proverb basically saying you can lead or show someone down a path but you cannot force them to make a decision,so wrapping up ,all im saying is I agree that Lee was doing too much,but Mike who was playing with fire ending up getting burned ,and who else can you blame but Mike


There's so much to take in from this episode. But both on my watch, and this rewatch, I cant help but keep track on Ritchie. All throughout the episode he gave looks to Michael and it brings back that scene in season 1 where he told Carmy he regrets not doing more to save Michael.

Guadalupe Chairez

They didn't catch when the mom called carmy Micheal


This one episode definitely demonstrates how dysfunctional the Berzatto family is and how everything turned into what it is now in the present. This christmas dinner quite literally fucked the entire family up. Mikey being called nothing probably pushed him into spiral by taking the drugs, it must be saddening for Donna to know that Mikeys choice of ending his life was partially influenced by her saying she would shoot her brains out. Lee also talks about the tomato cans in this episode which is also states how prejudice he actually is to Mikey since he didn't shit the money but kept it. Carmy having to take in that entire fiasco is probably the reason why he followed up on the NY trip and fucking left. Even than the trauma and PTSD for having to deal with an manic episode BPD parental figure still enroaches on him. Natalie is really sad since the fact that she really tries to help but failed miserably is probably the reason why she decided to get involved with the restaurant, especially after Mikey died it was probably like everyone was rejecting her help and she lost everything so the one thing she can do is hold onto Carmy and the restaurant which is basically her brother now.


Lol its clearly Jamie Lee Curtis


I feel like the “do we have a problem?” Was more like a question to the whole family cause these niggah’s all be having mental problems.

Ivory Cooper

I hear what you are saying but we are seeing only this perspective and what I mean by that is the little time we have been with this family. They have to deal with each other constantly and it seems to never stop. Richie is always scheming, faks and others are always asking for money. The mom has always been off her rocker. Sugar is trying to maintain and do her best because neither of the sons is good with their feelings. Hence why Sugar and Carmy who don't say much at all were the only ones allowed in the kitchen. And in the end, the only one who stuck with the mom was Sugar, Carmie left not saying it was bad but as Sugar said the whole first season she was the only one there no help and no assistance. Richie is a deadbeat and a liar. He puts himself in these situations all the time. He runs his mouth and then gets loud and angry when he can't back it or just admit he is wrong.

Ivory Cooper

When you look at the whole family they all appear to be suffering from something to a degree except Suagr. She seems to be more from the stress of it all.

Ivory Cooper

Well also culturally Italians are known for their cooking. Like you said something that should be cute is used to consistently bring down Sugar when she is always just trying to help.


That was just Lee noticing Mikey on a drug fueled rant repeating himself like he does every time they get together. It wasn't literally about repeating, it's about Mikey dissolving as a person in front of them


Yeah I think it's really bad, untreated borderline personality disorder.


Really good. Hope the gang reads this


i loved this episode but it would have been nice to hear you guys share more of your thoughts on the obvious mental health issues that the fam has. Also, you know how mental illnesses are hereditary? Does that include...like...self-harm thoughts? Im just curious because the mom's a fuck up who i guess tried to off herself in the car and years later mikey ends up doing it...idk. And carm's not exactly healthy either. Lets not forget nat

Delinda Arts

The alley oop that ep 6 & 7 are is insane. Back to back bangers


That food taste like depression

Sheraya san

Y’all gotta watched Sucession after this and Barry

A. P.

Ahhh such a wholesome episode lol I had so much to comment but idek where to start, but glad y'all made it thru that. Round of applause for the whole cast, especially Jamie Lee Curtis.... wow.

A. P.

Yeahh can't even blame this one all on the alcohol lol

Jaelyn Mcgee

I've had one or two family dinners this level of chaotic and it's one of the most stressful times of the year for a reason. I gotta give props to Jamie lee Curtis for playing being able to play an absolutely unhinged and mentally ill woman so well. I know people with that level of mental illness and even if they know you love and care for them and are grateful for all that they do, it's never enough to meet that invisible standard they set for themselves and the world. I've been where sugar has been receiving in that level of malice from just wanting to check on someone and make sure they're good, because that's all that you can do, because no other gesture of support is good enough and it absolutely fucks with you mentally


LMAO So we just gonna act like they didnt just get one year out of 256 weeks

Jaylen Otero

Bit of a TLDR, IDK If anyone else mentioned this in the comments but I’ve been thinking that in the scene when their mom storms out after spazzing on Sugar, she leaves the house. I think that when she stepped out she came across Pete’s Tuna Casserole that Sugar threw out on the porch and that likely was the last straw that pushed her over the edge which leads to her crashing the car through the house. I CAN BE WRONG but that could also add to the final scene of the episode being the zoom in shot on Sugar, maybe she realized what caused that and compounds the guilt she may have felt for how things turned out.

John Cedar

Mental health issues like depression, risk of suicide, psychosocial disorders, alcoholism and addiction in general are all hereditary and large scale studies have proven there are genetic markers for these traits and more. And while everyone technically has control of their actions, you can be incredibly predisposed to turning out a certain way based on this, for sure.

Jaylen Otero

AGREED dude, as someone who comes from a dysfunctional family, there’s something to be said about people that operate/navigate the world the way that Pete does with kindness and how vital people like him are, through all the bullshit and grief that they give him for shamelessly trying his best and supporting Sugar

Twin Hallow

I am aware. Repeating the same story over is a type of symptom in a way.


I think Sugar threw the fish in the trash. The Bear often uses impressionistic takes - especially with the cooking scenes - where it's meant to evoke the feeling rather than be perfectly realistic. Donna probably didn't know about the casserole and even if she did, she was waaaaay over that ledge by that point anyways.


This show stressful man... good episode though


"Generational trauma" the episode


The mom is very clearly mentally ill. I’m sure other comments have pointed it out but mental illness is very clear in this family and I think it shows up in different forms(IE: Depression, Mania, Alcoholism, etc) in this episode.

These Plums

256 Weeks ago. Roshi: "Yea, it's like a year ago."


It wasnt necessarily the drinking the a typical parent move they think the told you to do something but never did and then they get butt hurt about it


He wasnt doing to much hard pill to swallow but mans said he's not gonna coddle the addict anymore like the rest of yall he aint do enough

The thing that flows

One of the most gripping questions in this award winning show: "Is he going to throw the fork?"


This when I first watched the show was the best episode. Crazy how much tension and stress and it’s all done in like 2 rooms of a house XD


I knew he was going to throw it the question was if he was going to put Lee in a hospital


i related to this episode very much. i also dont have a dad


It felt more like "do you want to make this a problem?" Instead of just letting her get it out on her terms they keep prying. It felt like she was say "are you going to be a second sugar?"

Markus Antonius

Can’t wait for the next one man


He went into another niggas house shit on him while having a good time, brought up all his failures, insults his mother for supporting him, called him a tweaker and on top called him pussy. If Michael stabbed him with a fork I'd be on his side. I'm honestly shocked Richie didn't punch Lee so Michael wouldn't kill him. He might be right but it doesn't matter you don't come into someone's house acting like that. You are a guest and haven't been asked to do shit. He should be acting like John Mullaney's character. Sit down shut up and if you have something to say it better be positive. Lee came in on bullshit way before that fork.


I find it crazy how they weaponized Carmy's love after berating him. Imagine your own mother looking you right in the eye and saying "fuck you" then forcing you to tell her and your brother "I love you".


I can’t tell if Donna did that because of disassociation, being drunk, or if it’s meant to be an insult because Carmy was treating her like how Mikey would.


Yall jumping back when the car crashes into the house was everything lol

Jamaal Ellison

Jesus tap dancing Christ the mom cooks like Ed from Goodburger.

Xavier Baker

And I clarified that he was in the wrong but I'm just saying ,but tbh either which way Mike was deadset on the path he was taking,it's just unfortunate that was how it had to happen ,and i empathise with himnbut right or wrong all IM saying is he had to hear,yes Christmas dinner was not thr time,but you throw a fork at somebody you run the risk of somebody lighting your ass up,and ik he only did it because Lee was talking shit ,a punch wouldve been better than a fork to me,i Wouldve been down if he rocked him,the only thing I have is the fork ,thats like throwing rocks at my head because I called your mama fat,dont blind me,knock me out ,because if you keep throwing them rocks right or wrong we fighting ,thats whatbi meant when i said i respect that Lee stood on business ,but he was completely wrong with everything else ,as i said ,the fire had already started ,Mike chose to play with it , they're BOTH grown men ,better yet take it outside ,dont fuck up the dinner by throwing forks at the nigga who clearly lacks any respect or fear for you and then get pissed he had the audacity to do such a thing,clearly he does,but i agree Lee was definitely doing too much😁

Saynt Michael

Gillian Jacobs does look like Margot Robbie

Ethan Vinson

This show is absolutely amazing. To think I could've gone on with my life without watching this is insane, I'm glad this show won some Emmy's. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!

Keenan Cummins

Richie’s redemption next ep can’t wait till it’s uploaded 🔥🔥🔥


Y’all gotta check out succession after this. Won’t disappoint


Y'all barely reacted this episode and I don't even blame you, nobody in this show shut the fuck up for a minute.

Muse of Salzburg

I love the last shot of this episode. Carmy looking at the cannoli I reckon is him thinking “I would prefer to devote my blood sweat and tears to cooking for the rest of my life than have to be in this room for one more minute.” And then we switch to Sugar. She doesn’t have anything like that. She’s stuck there.

EJ Katt

Right? It’s so sad. I feel so bad for Carmy, for everyone really but Carmy is very relatable right now.


oh that would be so amazing if they did that next!

Uly A O

This ep was season 1's stress all in one.


I think they'd LOVE succesion. Fingers crossed!


Yo stop fucking eating while filming

Oni Legend

Yeah both Sugar and Carmy. Having your own parent telling you to fuck off and fuck you because you’re trying to care for them or have some self respect is just such a fucked up thing to go through


Sheeras random ass screech in the beginning fuckin blew my eardrums out lmfao WHY

Zaron Omnipotent

I believe they wrote Donna and Michael with Borderline Bipolar Disorder, I don't know for sure but thats the vibe I'm getting

Kareem Davis

Random John Mulaney


Please watch succession!


How about, hear me out here. Might be a bit difficult for you but I'm sure if you set your mind to it you could do it, I really believe that you can overcome and mind your own damn business. They sit here for hours at a time, who gives a flying fuck if they have a snack? Your a whole clown


Is it time for the great Vikings versus Succession poll?


Should definitely start Vikings after this!


Lupa when seeing someone consistently having a mental breakdown. “Yo are you good”🤣🤣

Mike Besaw

Would love a Community reaction but will probably never happen.


Succession would be fire


Pls if it comes to a vote pick Vikings over succession

Jaylen Otero

This is also true, makes me think about when people say directors only shows/reveals whats necessary to push the story along and they likely would’ve shown Donna finding the Tuna Casserole for my theory to be right

Bria A.

BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and bipolar are two separate conditions. BPD is…well, a personality disorder (mostly just managed through regular therapy) and bipolar is a mood disorder (helped with medication and therapy). Up in the air what they might actually have or if the writers decided on specifics though.

Bria A.

But like…imagine making one mistake and that becomes your nickname for life from your condescending mother to constantly be reminded of it (and yes I know having a nickname based off of something embarrassing happens irl, doesn’t make it any better imo unless the person is cool with it).


The acting in this episode was extraordinary

Israel Perez

Dawg I’m crying cause my dad fr got a Roberto Clemente rookie card that he refuses to sell 🤣🤣

matt i

it’s a show abt fuckin food lmao mfs gon b hungry

matt i

drinking, smoking, n unhealed trauma can fuck a persons mental frfr


interesting how you see all this drama, and it was hard, and Carmy really tried to remember the good things about Mikey, seems like mental illness runs in the family though.


"256 weeks" "Yeah that was like a year ago" SIRR what in the common core math was that 💀😂😂

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Yeah you aren't about to throw 3 forks at me before one of us gets beat the fuck up... but yeah both parties were at fault. If he wasn't feeling listening to the story for the millionth time he should have removed himself, that alone would have prevented the whole situation from unfolding how it did.

Xavier Baker

and thats what i said in the first comment i made ,if he didnt feel like hearing it he shouldve left the room like the grown ass man he is ,if Mike had thrown a punch ,i would defend him to the end of time,but what you not gonna do is throw forks nigga,rock me ,dont fork me 🤣🤣


Take a shot everytime sheera says "eww" you will be dead from alcohol poisoning before the episode finishes.



Tim Drake

Y’all should watch Community

april 🍏

Thinking 256 weeks is a year ago is crazyyy


You said "[y]ou need your kids to take care of you instead of the other way around." If you meant to attribute that statement to Donna and imply that it's wrong, you communicated that poorly.


Nah Roshi got vision, that side profile was definitely Margot Robbie

Sou saetern

Literally. That's why during like basically intermission, you hella notice how quiet it is.


My biggest take away from this is that u guys didn’t notice that was Britta meaning you’ve never watched community. Y’all need to Watch COMMUNITY


I think he already decided at that point and he knew he wasn't gonna be around.

General Grevious

She really bust through the wall like kool-aid man, that’s wild


Heard about yall and saw you reacted to this, followed immediately and glad I did. Looking forward to catching up on your catalogue and whatever is upcoming.