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so wholesome, so pure




cami ً

extraordinary attorney woo is an incredible show! I'm so glad more people will get to watch it through you guys' reaction :)

Mary L.


Kaila Bowers

i think u guys pointed out that fish cookie before and didn't know what it was, that is taiyaki(japanese version) or bungeoppang(korean version). It is a pastry that usually has a filling of sweet red beans, custard, or chocolate! They are very good, maybe u guys could find it at a boba shop or something. Should definitely try it out.


In the alternate universe, the dad from All of us are dead is taking care of Park Yeon-Jin's daughter 💀

Barry Hoover

Thought this was a trio, damn. Well alright ill dip for this 🫡

Kaila Bowers

also another food thing, kimbap is similar to sushi as in it being a rice roll but i think the rice is prepared differently as well as the ingredients

Hasnain Khan



Oh nice, this is a great show


Binged like 7 episodes of this yesterday. Looking forward to the reactions!

Kaila Bowers

them talking about tht being the wildest fight scene when there is a whole drama tht had a scene where someone gets slapped with a bundle of kimchi. i need them to see tht


Woo to the young to the woo 🐳


This show is so brilliant! From the acting, the topics discussed, the writing and just overall wholesome

rickie woodson

hello attorney, my old friend......time to finally finish this show. watched the first two eps like a year ago. excited to see where it goes after that.


Roshi over here thinking whales lay eggs lol 😆

Malik Allen

I got burnt out by the Kdramas after the movies💀

Lupa is Dadi

a break from all the violence we’ve seen


Yooooo I remember that I don’t remember the drama tho


I'm not autistic but I have a lot of friends who are, so I'm not an expert BUT I was really peasently surprised how they portrayed the hyperfixations, sensory issues, repetetive behaviours and symptoms like echolalia. I liked that her colleagues came around quite quickly and adjusted to her. Every autistic person is different (e.g., not all struggle with physical touch)and in media you tend to see only the awkward genius types but it's an actual disability that affects all parts of a person's life. One thing to point out that we don't really use labels like "high functioning" anymore ☺️ really glad you guys are watching this show!

Bria A.

Commenting at the beginning of watching so if these are brought up later, my bad! • The k-drama multiverse continues; baby Young-woo is Ye-sol from The Glory, lmao. • This is actually mentioned in a later episode (which I was surprised to see written into a show), but worth informing in general in advance…there is no such thing as “high-functioning” autism / Asperger’s. Autism’s just a spectrum and the concept of “high-functioning” was invented by a Nazi collaborator to seperate the people who could contribute labor to society. It was a really shitty thing and the medical field has since more or less gotten rid of the distinction.


so they ain’t recognize the dad from all of us are dead? its the multiverse again lmao


i loved watching this kdrama, glad you guys are reacting to it!

Destiny Simon

i love law dramas and this one in particular is written REALLY well, very educational and you definitely learn alot, also it's really cute and wholesome, i cried a lot watching it 🤣


I’m fucking with this it’s good


So genderswapped The Good Doctor K-Drama but with law.....Thank God for Extraction

Kumi Chan

It's nice to see a Korean drama that's not depressing but wholesome


Can't wait for Friday now! So excited to see you guys dive into this show. You are going so love and dislike some of these characters to much! The cases throughout this show are going to make ya'll feel so many different emotions. Its going to be great 🥹

Klinton O

My favorite korean drama. Glad y'all are watching.


i love this show its so adorable!!!! she so cute im gonna love this show already. also her friend who was at the sushi place with her is the chick from the glory right? the artist who was on drugs? and also!!! aint the old man with dementia from sweet home? who was hitting his wife? o:

J Man

Ey! If ya ever do Goblin 👺, bring Lupa along. I just watched Yaboyrocklee's episode 1 reaction and the blood and action would be up Lupa's alley.


Important info to understand even more the show: mental illness in South Korea isn't seen the same and some people don't accept it well. For example, here in the West, seeing a therapist is normal and almost a "trend" as in Korea it's something someone would like to hide because it's not very well seen, borderline frown upon in the past. It's better now though! But it means the show is also a social criticism.


my nephew is 5, is autistic and he can't speak fully. but he learned sign language to communicate if he's hungry etc. the best thing you can do for them is treat and speak to them like a kid without autism

Bria A.

I’m not fully finished (I’m on episode…10, I think), but I wouldn’t get them hyped on the action lol. It’s mostly a domestic romcom that gets hella sad and occasionally bloody.

Kaila Bowers

nah those arent the same actors, the old man does feel similar to tht guy from sweet home tho lol

uchuu kitsune

Considering how kids are, I don't think that having a trampoline inside of the house is a good idea.

rickie woodson

she's not just autistic, she is a genius. like those kids who graduate from med school at age 12. im sure they were reading with comprehension at age 5. i know was reading at that age as was my youngest brother. granted it was kid books and dr. seuss not legal docs lol

Janise Dunlap

another good kdrama is its okay too not be okay that would be a good duo reaction

rickie woodson

as you might have learned from your time in japan, what is called sushi in the states (californian rolls for example) isnt really sushi. there is more to sushi then just the rolls. its a combo style of gimbap and sushi. gimbap is made with sesame seed oil rather than rice vinegar, has cooked ingredients usually inside, and is sliced thinner. they took the wrapped in seaweed look of gimbap, the ingredients of japanese sushi and bam! we got american sushi. there is rivalry between the big 3 in east asia in many cultural ways and one of them is "who came up with this food first". ramen v ramyeon. sushi v gimbap. and so on. very petty so i find it very funny lol. and with china being older they got the log books to go "shhh japan and korea, cause in 1202 we had all that first" lol


From my experience at Law School, yes Roshi, you're right regarding the whole conflict of interest statement

solo prince

top three k drama’s for me like it’s one of my favorites


Let’s goooo


Park Eun-bin (actress that plays Woo) won the Grand Prize - best actress - for her role in this drama. The acting is phenomenal. Excited to see your reactions to this series since it’s so different from what you normally watch! Thank you!!

Sunshine Hall

She's actually a savant. Genius isn't a term that's actually recognized medically.

Sunshine Hall

As an autistic savant "genius" child myself, yes I could read and comprehend at five. I had college level reading comprehension at 8 and I wear headphones and earbuds on the bus all of the time because the noise, movement, and lights are so overstimulating it can drive me into a panic attack. Overstimulation is very common for those with neurodivergent disorders such as autism and we often become erratic to try and stop the noise as Woo Young Woo did in this episode.


yeah i clapped myself lol. the old dude looked very similar

Bria A.

for the girls: lmao noooo. their faces are totally different and kim hieora (sara) is almost a decade older. but, since you already mentioned her, she does actually have a guest spot in this show. also, more glory connections: kid young-woo is ye-sol.

Bria A.

genuinely curious: i’m not assuming korean law is automatically the same, but is there some kind of exemption or expiration period considering she was only five at the time and heavily implied to have moved out of the villa with her dad not that long after, if not in the same year? unless it’s a matter of her own opinion and just self-reporting that she thinks she can handle the case without bias.

rickie woodson

a drama comedy combo is called a dramedy

Kyle Llewellyn

Another fantastic show choice I am so happy you guys actually watch Kdramas, not many actually give them a chance and its disappointing


Fyi - autism is not mental illness or related to mental health. not sure if you were trying to make a connection there but thought I'd clarify just in case.


She can still defend her but there's a list of consent forms needed to be signed by client. As you said, they're not super close so it's not much of a problem

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Very good episode, seems it will be very interesting. I also recommend watching the good doctor, it is literally the same case as this but with medicine.


I stopped at the wedding episode. Idk why but it got boring to me

Elle E. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-30 12:50:14 Now I see why this show got the high ratings it got! Main female lead is portraying her character very well. Like that there is some comedy in it to & not too serious. Great reaction!
2023-06-29 09:09:16 Now I see why this show got the high ratings it got! Main female lead is portraying her character very well. Like that there is some comedy in it to & not too serious. Great reaction!

Now I see why this show got the high ratings it got! Main female lead is portraying her character very well. Like that there is some comedy in it to & not too serious. Great reaction!


Park Eun-Bin is a prodigy who’s been acting since she was a child. She has yet to give a poor performance


Never really finished this cause i got tired of the repetitive concept in almost every episode i watched so far but might be fun watching with roshi and sheera. Let’s see

Ed Hwang

Respectfully, I'm ok with petty. Blood will not be shed in the name of seaweed and rice stuck together. But, let's not be glib either and gloss over a complex connected history or conflate details. Ramen, ramyeon, ra mein IS the same thing. It's not a branding contest in a foodie culture war. -men, -myeon -mein just means noodle. Sushi v. kimbap, is kinda stupid. It's like Filet O' Fish v. hamburger. Are they the same thing because they are both in a bun? No. China being older... cuz, we all got log books from 1202. lol


The only wedding case takes place in episode two and is resolved by the end.

Syncere Mathis

Knew you guys would love it 😁


I apologize, I didn't have the technical words in English 😅

Elle E.

Yes I love her. I've seen 3 of her dramas so I knew it would be good but this is whoaaa


This show is so cute and the actress that plays Woo has a show where she plays a woman that is pretending to be king too, which is the polar opposite character of this one. She has incredible range!


crazy good 1st ep

Darion Wilson


Mubarez Ahmad

I hope that "It's Okay to not be Okay" is the next k drama


This was a fun watch for sure


California roll is one of the worst examples because its meant for people who want an introduction to sushi

Bria A.

the king’s affection. she’s separated from her twin brother at birth (for superstitious misogyny reasons) and then has to impersonate him from childhood to adulthood after he dies. it’s extremely good, i just never finished it.

Abstract Dread

I believe that this was a webtoon, but yeah next should be Its okay to not be okay.


The Attorney Woo webcomic came after the series, not before

J Man

Yo, is Attorney Woo's dad the Dad from All of us Are Dead? KDrama multiverse strikes again

Kwaku Afari

I hope the whole show is wholesome. I need some more wholesome K-drama

J Man

Sushi/Onigiri uses Sugar and Vinegar to hold it together and give it flavor. Kimbap replaces the sugar and Vinegar with Sesame Oil to hold it together. The oil gives Kimbap the addictive smell


it's pretty wholesome obvi some terrible ppl, but for the most part wholesome:)

Jay rellim

@roshi after seeing your weight loss tweets i even noticed your face is slimmer too!! keep up the grind, lowkey inspiring me to hit the gym

Daniel NT (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-02 12:21:45 When she starts rambling she reminds me of the narrator of squid or something. Love this show so far.
2023-07-02 09:52:05 When she starts rambling she reminds me of the narrator of squid game or an Adjutant from starcraft.

When she starts rambling she reminds me of the narrator of squid game or an Adjutant from starcraft.

Daniel NT

Woo and her girl trying out for the Ginyu force lol


20 minutes in and Sheera already clapped herself.

Alicia Mosby

I have 4 daughters on the Autism spectrum, from high functioning to severe. All learned to read before they said their first words. One didn't speak until 7 years old and only speaks in movie quotes. Another we waited 12 years to hear her first words. Woo's Dad's reaction is spot on. Those words are so precious when you wait so long to hear them ❤

Sulani Bradley

Another great show that highlights autism spectrum disorder is It's Okay Not to Be Okay!!


Love this show. My son is 10 and is also Autistic. He is really in to music and Art. He listens to music from way back in the day and can tell you who the artist of a song is, and their whole history. He didn't speak until he was 4 which is common in Autistic babies. I have to tell him to look me in the eye when we speak because it's hard for him and also touch is difficult. This is an amazing show great choice :)


Never seen the show and first time in forever watching something other than anime, may as well watch it with yall haha