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I was looking at the thumbnail like “Where’s Lupa?” just to see he’s on the floor dying lmao


I was about to be so upset cuz i didn’t see lupa😭😭

MC zsn

good episode!


REMEMBER this is actually how it started. CIA moved cocaine into cali and new mexico to fund a war in south america, and the streets found a way to make it cheap.

Devin B

Franklin is like a serious businessman. He isn't going to beat around the bush when it comes to what he wants and he's going to be frank with people about what his intentions are, if he's not able to conduct business right away then he's going to feel like his time is being wasted. Some people might respect him for being upfront and others might not like him being too serious but it really goes from one extreme to another with him. Either it works out for him really well like it did here or it could get him messed up in the future.


Me too. Too many reactors been breaking up lately


You guys need to stop with this narrative that home boy wants to pipe his cousin lol where is this coming from 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Devin B

Also to Sheera's point just because someone shows you how to do something doesn't mean you'll get it right away, especially when it comes to cooking anything. You can mess up one step and it would mess up the whole process and it ends up being something not as good as what you pictured.


Idk if this is spoiling but a couple of things to know about their characters for the gang. Franklin is EXTREMELY intelligent. He told Swim to make more just so he could remember it exactly. The show skipped the whole process but I'm sure Franklin is 10 steps ahead. Pedro isn't jealous he is disgusted. I don't think he has any romantic feelings for her more like Familial love and doesn't trust or like Oso.


bro is not trying fuck his cousin, he jus mad some "random" has a share in the business , y'all funny asl

Franklin Saint (edited)

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2023-06-27 23:08:42 Bruh it’s implied that Franklin clearly was cooking some crack too not just learning why would it show Franklin holding the jar of crack with water in it but I could be wrong on that part☠️
2023-06-27 21:01:40 Bruh it’s implied that Franklin clearly was cooking some crack too not just learning why would it show Franklin holding the jar of crack with water in it but I could be wrong on that part☠️ but Franklin is very intelligent when it comes to business he clearly knows how dumb it is he even said himself on how dumb it was to confront thugs (crack heads)and ask to see they’re cooked and to learn to cook he even did a good job of gaslighting and convince a crack head girl about information about crack the only idiotic thing Franklin did was going to the Mexican territory after hearing the stories of how brutal they are from uncle Jerome and his friend

Bruh it’s implied that Franklin clearly was cooking some crack too not just learning why would it show Franklin holding the jar of crack with water in it but I could be wrong on that part☠️ but Franklin is very intelligent when it comes to business he clearly knows how dumb it is he even said himself on how dumb it was to confront thugs (crack heads)and ask to see they’re cooked and to learn to cook he even did a good job of gaslighting and convince a crack head girl about information about crack the only idiotic thing Franklin did was going to the Mexican territory after hearing the stories of how brutal they are from uncle Jerome and his friend


But thats the whole point of Franklin SPENDING THE ENTIRE NIGHT watching Swim make it. Swim even made an analogy bout how simple it is after the first batch.

Antonio Williams

So now you see the real direction of where things are going. But remember, at this point no one knows just how different crack is from coke. The people in Oakland think it's just a recreational thing and no one has really heard of it in LA. So at least at this point, Franklin can't really be blamed for stuff

Devin B

@Jazko but even if you have the knowledge of how to do something, actually doing it is going to take some time to get the hang out it. People can mess up doing something as simple as cracking an egg. Franklin has gotten a good amount of experience from Swim from that one night but he basically has to replicate Swim's workspace back home to some degree.

Vongola Fiamme

just watched bloodhounds for some hype time to eat dinner and enjoy this mid. perfectly balanced


Saw the thumbnail and thought it was just a duo reaction today lol

Kingmakaii (edited)

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2023-06-27 23:13:58 Mouth full of pussy lupa I nearly choke on my water lmao 😭
2023-06-27 21:13:43 Mouth full of pussy lupa I nearly choke on my water and bath salt will fuck you up my cousin sniffed it once by mistake and laid out all his siblings lmao 😭

Mouth full of pussy lupa I nearly choke on my water and bath salt will fuck you up my cousin sniffed it once by mistake and laid out all his siblings lmao 😭


*knock on wood* can assume we dont have to worry about this group breaking up


@landen Gunn just ignore him he a butt hurt k drama fan


Oh lmao this is “payback” for people upset they started sweet home over this? Lmao dude lucky i like bloodhounds but definitely like snowfall wayy more

Asante Upshur-Benson (edited)

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2023-06-27 23:23:52 Y’all really underestimating how intelligent Franklin is. Even those deep in the street life like Avi, Jerome & Claudia acknowledge that about him. Only bad part of him is he’s green but he’ll figure out how to move that crack
2023-06-27 21:23:43 Y’all really underestimating how intelligent Franklin is. Even those deep in the street life like Avi, Jerome & Claudia acknowledge that about him. Only bad part of him is he’s green but he’ll figure out how to move that crack

Y’all really underestimating how intelligent Franklin is. Even those deep in the street life like Avi, Jerome & Claudia acknowledge that about him. Only bad part of him is he’s green but he’ll figure out how to move that crack

danial javady

Scene where he meets swim for the first time is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. The eerie music that plays along Franklin masterfully manipulating Swim. Oh man. It gives a sneak peek into Franklin


Here again to defend Franklin, let’s get the first thing out the way…following that crack head by himself…wild af lol. But it wasn’t gonna be an upstanding citizen who taught him about crack so it had to happen. Also Franklin is by no means dumb. He has to take these kinds of risks to move forward and he knows that it’s risky but he’s willing to bet on himself. And secondly the smartest option is to keep the keys on himself. If he gets robbed he at least has the benefit of knowing who did it. Lastly, Franklin giving up the keys was a smart move because it shows he’s something serious. If he just brought a tiny amount with him someone could have just assumed he was bluffing and that he picked up anywhere. But two keys says a lot more. To any serious drug dealer those keys give Franklin leverage cuz it implies he could become a valuable connection. Now that Swim showed Franklin how to cook he knows if need be he could always reach out to Franklin for more product.


Last thing to Sheeras point. Franklin spent literally the whole night cooking crack. I’m sure he knows how to do it lol

Hasnain Khan



definitely need snowfall 3x a week


Crack is simple sheera is tripping literally heated water, baking soda mixed with cocaine and water in a glass keep shaking periodically until it fully rocks up xD


ahh sheera once again making something in a show deeper than what it is 😂


this thumbnail lmao I can already tell this finna be foolishness


my dude franklin showed up in a crack heads den and said you too fine. maaaaaaaaaaaaan i bet you she didnt know she was talking to a human lmao


The crack dealers reaction when Franklin threw him the backpack lmao. Franklin really has the devil's luck.


I like Franklin but I'm glad they showed him getting his ass kicked early on even though he hasn't really learned from it.

Courtney Alexis

Franklin is very smart but he also has a lot of luck on his side as well lol. I forgot he followed a random crackhead to her dealer and that's how he ended up finding out how crack is made. This show man. I love it lmaooo. Great reaction as always! Can't wait for the reactions to the final episodes of this season.


eating the cat on the first link is wild lmao

Delinda Arts

this thumbnail lmao

KeYo (edited)

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2023-06-28 02:26:56 -adjusts body cam- wait say that again? <.<
2023-06-28 00:21:33 -adjusts body cam- wait say that again? <.<

-adjusts body cam- wait say that again? <.<


i mean.......sheera speaking facts tho. if someone teaches you something how to do something. you might not get it right the first time. i know its tv land duh but she wasnt wrong lol


yea to a regular person.. but franklin has shown to be far more intelligent than most. This is nothing more than another assignment for him to learn lol and with the drive he has? showing him how to do something as simple as crack lmfao for the majority of the night thats light work


Ngl y’all gotta relax not to much now because the show does get crazy but LET FRANKLIN COOK😂😂😂

rickie woodson

sheera aint lying. if i showed you how to bake a strawberry shortcake ONCE, didnt write any thing down, you really going to tell me you can go home and make it yourself? let alone do it weeks later since franklin just cooked all his product so he doesnt need to do it again til he re-ups..........

rickie woodson

the adventures super lucky dumb mcdummy continues!


it was'nt once, they cooked for literally like hours and hours and he was watching


Lupa said crack like 10 times when it’s only been cocaine this entire time up until this point 🤦🏾‍♂️ lmao


They didn’t just cook one batch… they was cooking that shit all night LMAO


I don't think yall noticed but when teddy was talking to Alejandro in the begininng about the problem with the girl his girl and son were calling him and he purposely wasn't picking up because he was letting the mission come first you can hear her talking in the background on the voice machine and he just ignoring it talking about the mission. btw Pedro isn't in love with his cousin its more they started it together now he feels like he is being replaced by Oso and his cousin is doing things without talking to him like seeing stomper and making Oso a partner while when he goes on his own, she berates him.


That’s just how they joke they do a lot of incest jokes… well more specifically roshi does lmao he be like “yeah? You wanna fuck me bro”

nami (edited)

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2023-06-28 04:57:43 I dont think bro wants to have sex with his cousin. It's literally a nigga he wanted to kill in ep 1 that he doesnt like is getting close to his partner and thus in on the business. It makes sense why he'd be annoyed lol the narrative of him wanting to fuck her makes no sense
2023-06-28 02:56:44 Franklin is a VERY intelligent character. Hence why they've set him up that way from the start i.e speaking of him going that fancy college but dropping out bc he felt like he didnt belong, the way his uncle, the dealer, and the lady at the club speak of him. He takes insane risks and is new but you guys really do underestimate his intelligence at like every turn lmaooo also bro is not trying to fuck his cousin. He was literally ready to kill that nigga in episode 1 and now his business partner is developing feelings for him, getting cuts of his business without his consent, now she's lying to him about things with the guy, of course hes pissed.

Franklin is a VERY intelligent character. Hence why they've set him up that way from the start i.e speaking of him going that fancy college but dropping out bc he felt like he didnt belong, the way his uncle, the dealer, and the lady at the club speak of him. He takes insane risks and is new but you guys really do underestimate his intelligence at like every turn lmaooo also bro is not trying to fuck his cousin. He was literally ready to kill that nigga in episode 1 and now his business partner is developing feelings for him, getting cuts of his business without his consent, now she's lying to him about things with the guy, of course hes pissed.


LMAOOOOOO “take me to your leader “ I’m weak

J Man

Who knew that the RZA invented Crack?!?

Danger Tomato

We need snowfall 7x a week.


I really hope the whole Franklin doing something stupid and it conveniently working out for him/ getting saved stops, its already getting kind of old. Also her cousin seems to be more jealous that he is out of the circle, than wanting to actually fuck his cousin. Idk how you'll got that impression lol. ( but who knows, maybe I'm wrong)


It's hard not to underestimate his intelligence when he keeps doing dumb shit. Yeah he's smart and still green in the coke business, but he acts like an idiot, who would've been dead by now if not for plot armor. A recent example, why tf would he walk in an abandoned building and turn his back on this creepy bxtch, and then let her walk behind him? All she needed was a knife and malicious intent, and it would've been over, and nobody would've known what happened.

Aniki Pft (edited)

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2023-06-28 07:23:20 It's not like Frank doing these stupid things isn't biting him. Especially this far in the show it's a way of showing just how ambitious he is to stray from the system and money his own way, I don't think he cares about how stupid half of the things he's doing, he's taking risks. We are superr early in the series(six seasons to this lmao) so it's far too soon to really see his "consequences". Also idk where the hell dude wanting to fuck his cousin came from. I just figured he just doesn't really like Gus at all.
2023-06-28 05:19:34 It's not like Frank doing these stupid things isn't biting him. Especially this far in the show it's a way of showing just how ambitious he is to stray from the system and make money his own way, I don't think he cares about how stupid half of the things he's doing, he's taking risks. We are superr early in the series(six seasons to this lmao) so it's far too soon to really see his "consequences". Also idk where the hell dude wanting to fuck his cousin came from. I just figured he just doesn't really like Gus at all.

It's not like Frank doing these stupid things isn't biting him. Especially this far in the show it's a way of showing just how ambitious he is to stray from the system and make money his own way, I don't think he cares about how stupid half of the things he's doing, he's taking risks. We are superr early in the series(six seasons to this lmao) so it's far too soon to really see his "consequences". Also idk where the hell dude wanting to fuck his cousin came from. I just figured he just doesn't really like Gus at all.

A. P.

To me Pedro seems like the type to just be weird around women in general. He might be a virgin or just have mommy [and daddy] issues lol Maybe those are the vibes you're picking up on

arr f

its known to be one of the simplest things to make. you literally just heating it up in some water and baking soda and letting it dry.. making rice in pot is probably harder than making crack.

Asyo Kouu

Idk, I got the same impression; that he wanted to fuck his cousin / jealous vibes. Buddy is a buster, vibing high-key on buster energy

Jamaal Ellison

Lol this reminds me of the origin of the titans on Attack On Titan Franklin happens onto a building and just mysteriously encounters Crack for the first time after meeting patient zero of an epidemic.

Jamaal Ellison

Something tells me that Sheera hates being wrong.


i always got that vibe tbh but i mean it’s natural for most ppl to be like tha


sheera thinks franklin gon try to cook up n accidentally make the powerpuff girls LMAO


it's very evident that's why they don't say anything half the time lol


can some1 tell me at what pm they usually post ??


or 7 pm if slightly cramped or at the latest 11 pm EST sometimes but rarely it goes into the next day


Extraction 2 day LFG!

Url Robbo


Silver Wolf

Not Lupa bent all the way down in the thumbnail 💀


if pedro tells his dad that oso and lucia are fucking i feel like they’ll let oso go then oso looking for business is gonna remember franklin had the coke and go to him for work.


that's a bit misogynistic isn't it? I'm sure there are plenty of men who feel the same

Aniki Pft

@aj tons of dudes hate being wrong. Some dudes are worse than others so you're 100% right lmao.

Quinton Campbell

"But he's not really a boss yet" THANK YOU! That's literally the whole point of the first season, Lupa n Sheera keep getting mad at Franklin and certain situations as if he's been in the game for 2 or 3 years now 😂

Darren Banks

Yeah but its crack... She's wrong. You can show a monkey how to make crack.


Reed Dollaz "Sick reference bro" 😂

Drake Rage

I never liked Pedro, but he did make a good point.. making a new partner and cutting the share from 1/2 to 1/3 each... and never telling Pedro was not cool.... and that "you just jealous bro" reaction from y'all... Roshi at least addressed that yea it was fk'd up that she never told him that Oso is now a full partner.


That "Random RZA " was hilarious because I said the same shit too, exactly like that

Calamiti (Bleu)

True but from the jump, that's what they've been offering him, Pedro's been trying to pull one over on Oso from the jump

Drake Rage

Yeah Oso definitely deserves it, but Pedro would have completely been in the wrong if Lucia had just let him know, but since she gives him the money and that is when he finds out "oh she has been fucking Oso and now she even made him a partner" thing comes. He would have been completely in the wrong if she had just told him a little bit in advance, because now Pedro has a reason to be paranoid, that he saw her fucking Oso and now she made him a partner, so he is going to be like "can I even trust Lucia?"


The way I see it Franklin is learning. He’s clueless, he’s naive but he’s also educated. So the way he’s moving looks stupid from our perspective but in reality it’s all a learning experience for him. Much like anyone also trying to figure stuff out. He has to learn the hard way about how this field works before he actually makes any progress and it’s definitely tough to watch. Curious to see which way the wind will blow.

Lamaree Jackson

There was not a more Random RZA moment than him just being a fucking master to Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes in GI Joe 2. Like bro where did you come from???

Sheraya san

This is the early 80s. Ppl use to hitchhike all the time. Crime was not as rampant as it is now. He’s young and he’s learning and he don’t watch nearly half the tv y’all do. No need to get irritated lol relax sheera, it’s a tv show, not real life

Daniel Fernandez

Ayeeeeee the antelope valley 😤 that’s where I stay at lol


They legit said it only takes two steps to cook, she making it seem like it’s hard(in the show obv.) 42:09