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THATS how you start a season 2!


StorySmith []

This series is what for me to to join your Patreon and it got me to play dnd


Took me legit no time to click this link but fun fact, Pike in the show is the original voice for Ellie in the last of us (P sure Lupa already knew that tho lmao)

Bradley Borrazzo

Yessssss! Now I have something to look forward to watching after work and grocery run 😁

mitch anderson

NGL watching this show makes me feel so good. The characters and the story is amazing

Smash Bran'Discootch

Soooo the dude who got eaten by the green dragon who only had his legs left over? That was the same guy who got pie filling hip thrust at him from Scanlan in season 1 episode 3. RIP Dude Who Was Kinda Into It. Dragons in DnD get much more powerful the older they are. The Dragon you saw before, Brimscythe? Yeah he was basically a teenager. These are ANCIENT dragons, the strongest kind around. Also there are a couple of different TYPES of dragons in DnD. The Metallic dragons(Like Bahamut the dragon god on the good side), then you have Chromatic Dragons like these which are evil. The Green Dragon(Raishan) is voiced by Cree Summer AKA Susie Carmichael in Rugrats and Numbah 5 in Codename Kids Next Door. Man Uriel went out like a G. That look of contentment on his face as he was dying..."Oh, my family made it? Good...good, I'm glad." That and him saving the dude that fell tell you everything you need to know about Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei. The Briarwood Arc showed the party that Matt was not fuckin' around. The Chroma Conclave Arc showed the party how far Matt was willing to go. "I just destroyed something I built. It's a weird feeling." -Matt Mercer immediately after the destruction of Emon. To put that into context, they had been streaming for almost a year at this time and had been playing in this world for 3 years. Emon was a super familiar place to them. Their Keep was actually outfitted and staffed. They spent TIME there and then all of the sudden it was gone.

Kalib Holland

I just know the acid dragon and the gas breath one gotta smell crazy


whole dark souls dragons


The reason why s2 came out so fast is because Critica Role got crowdfunding for almost all of season 1, so when amazon picked up the show they immediately ordered an extra 14 episodes, which meant that TLoVM went into production with 24 episodes greenlit, so they didn’t have to wait to start working on s2 after s1 ended. Btw, season 3 has already been greenlit 😉

Trey Milliner-Williams

see this is why you always need someone with a good teleport ability in the party

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also, fellow Critters, Did you spot Larkin in this episode? I did! We on Larkin Watch! #LarkinWatch2023

Lewis Coupe

Is it Thursday yet ?


The king dragon OD bro beam went straight threw the mountain lmao 😭

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh and the ability the dragon had to see through illusions is called True Sight(or truesight). They can see through all illusions and in magical darkness.


Man, this first episode was so good, they really did it justice. Also, for anyone else that knows the story, do we think that "young girl" who stared at Grog is possibly a nod to later? Maybe character development for someone? It's a bit of a reach but things are getting squashed down time-wise, so maybe?




Just because that one dragon had a human form doesn’t mean the others have one tf 😂😭


The ability the dragon used to see through the illusion is True Sight. Allows them to see through illusions, invisibility etc. Brymscythe didn't have it because he was a "younger" dragon.

Royal Sage

Fun Fact: The VA for the Fire Dragon is the same actor that played the Hotel clerk in John Wick and the Major Detective in The Wire. This show has an incredible cast, this is just one of them.

Eric Keatts

The green eyed boy Grog talked to was an Eren Jaeger reference lol

Eric Keatts

It was a boy and it was a reference to AoT, that was literally Eren Jaeger lol

Smash Bran'Discootch

This animated series or their original campaign? Just curious, either one is awesome! Glad you're part of the hobby! Happy adventuring!

StorySmith []

Both the of series and the animated one tbh once season 1 ended I couldn’t wait for season 2 so I started watching the old VODs And here we are a Lear later and I’m 80 ep in to their 2nd campaign the mighty Nine and up to date with campaign 3 bells hells

rickie woodson

just in time for dinner. almost finish with my stir fray! yall really are nsync with me lol




these dragons are fucking savage. great way to start. too bad they didnt have the LANCE OF DRAGON SLAYING lol

Devin B

What the dragons did was basically the same as beating someone up for their money and then asking for their money. You already done the deed so what was the point of making that declaration.

DsWorldd •

It's not as though thinking that would be a crazy assumption to make anyway. This is news to me tbh, also prolly a spoiler🤷🏾‍♂️💀


That’s what I kept thinking when it happened. “He’s just going to melt the gates right? Right?! Oh. Oh gods. This… this is baaad. We’re so fucked.”

Smash Bran'Discootch

That's awesome! I'm really glad you're enjoying the stories so much! NGL I'm kind of jealous of people who got to binge it all the way through. Sometimes those 3 week holiday breaks right whenever a huge cliffhanger happened was AGONY! Do you have a favorite campaign? I always say mine is The Mighty Nein but it ends up being whichever one I'm rewatching at the time XD


Lupa a real one for thinking about lack of property damage during a genocide.

StorySmith []

That’s a tough question with the mighty Nein the campaign felt a little scattershot in the beginning but that went away with “that incident” (Molly mock is my favorite btw) o feel a deep depth in campaign 2 than I do Vox Machina but many of the plot twist have been spoiled to me thanks to how YouTube works (oh u like this well here’s a clip with a big spoiler for a title of a plot point u haven’t reached yet) U don’t know what I would do to rewind time and experience Nott the Brave’s backstory blind. …anyway for that reason I think I gotta say bells hells marisha has just done such a great job as Laudna and having Ashley Johnson in EVERY EPISODE(as an agent of absolute chaos) is just wonderful

Hasnain Khan


Jason McKay

This season gon be 🔥🔥


watching this part on critical role gave me chills, god I love that show so much

Will Jones

Pretty sure this comment won't be seen but, the ability used by the White /Ice dragon was Truesight which is something all Dragons have naturally once they reach ancient status. Dragons in DnD are problems always and practically gods when they reach ancient status.


"to taste dafeet" was kinda brilliant


They must've taking tips from Young Justice on how to start an epsiode because shit hit the fan real quick

Totally Thomas

The tabletop campaign fight against the ice dragon, Vorugal at their home was one of the best fights in the beginning of the arc. Shame we didn't get more of the fight. Also, that thing he did with his eyes is called Truesight, which sees pass magical illusions.


I'm throwing it out there for future consideration; Dota: Dragons Blood is pretty much Vox machina X castlevania and I think you guys would enjoy it. Animated by the same studio as ATLA with a great story and great cast. Truly worth your time, even if you guys need something to watch off camera.

Blue-Eyes W. Chibi

That's why it sounded familiar! LMAO, I was like "I heard this voice recently." but couldn't remember.

Gmac paddiewac

never watched critical roll so this is a guess. The dragon they killed could turn into a human. The little girl had deep green eyes like the poison dragon who smirked and stopped chasing them. Maybe that kids the poison dragon hiding among them?

Smash Bran'Discootch

Hey, sorry to keep bothering you. Critical Role just signed a huge deal with Amazon and they just announced a Mighty Nein animated series. Bells Hells will probably end up getting one too!!!

StorySmith []

Ur not bothering me at all! And I saw the news on twitter and HOLY SHIT! u said ur favorite campaign was mighty Nein right? Congratulations! Looks like we have a lot to look forward to in the coming years

sotonye ogan

Bitch really Said close the gate at a charging dragon lmao

Mervyn Larrier

"what ability is that?" I'm pretty sure it's "Detect Magic"

Randall Martinez

"Are they attacking? I Don't think they're attacking"

Rami Homsi

Imagine getting rolled-up on by 4 fucking mega elden ring dragons, yeah i could see how that would be problematic


Please React to recorrd of ragnarok it is insanely good and s2 just came out

danial javady

bro what exactly is good about this show? you got my hopes up for nothing. It's just braindead fighting and the animation is subpar. Only good thing is the soundtracks and occasionally cool designs... this shit might be cool to a 12 year old


@danial javady The manga clears tf out the anime it's not even close I was so hyped when hearing about an anime adaptation, only for it to have the most. bland animation like really a slideshow w/ Zeus vs Adam RIP what could have been an awesome action anime


It's not affecting them as much because they passed their Constitution saving throws.


I like how Roshi was looking at Sheera 22:23 thinking she was going to say something about how the tree opening looks lmao


Lol I had the same reaction when I heard Thordak, the fire dragon, speaking normally too, except I recognized him as Sylens from the Horizon games, he has such a unique speech pattern, its very distinct!


this episode should have been called Reign of Dragons: The Clappening


Thought I was listening to Destiny dialog hearing Lance Riddick’s and Gina Torres’s voices


Lance Reddick is the man, I know him from The Wire before anything else

Stonewall Hackson

Lance Riddick is the man and I always go “Fringe” before anything else


ooof all the lance comments hit diff now.


He was in Oz too, even earlier! His role in The Wire was great though, as well as in Fringe. RIP


I'm watching this for the first time now. And then John Wick 4 this weekend. Had no idea he was in this.

Foy Reed

RIP to Lance Riddick


RIP Lance Reddick


RIP Lance