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The J E A N S M O B I L E



Nanananana Jeansman




Earphone Jack

I honestly forgot that Wash got a frying pan thrown at his head. I was watching the episode and when I saw Wash run up I was like “Oh yeah! He got a frying pan thrown at him!” That made me even more annoyed with the civilians when I first read it because wtf?!


« Hellish todoroki family »,shows the family at the end. Also man I would’ve gived up being a hero too I went to war for these people and now they throwing shit at me nah I’m leaving the country lol.


Hawks also got a hot boot on his back.


Too be fair. The Todoroki’s are intrinsically connected to Hawk’s backstory.

Lūthér Hölâyèãhmé

Can't Eri revert All Might, then Deku passes One for All back? That way Prime All Might can take care of Shigaraki and All for One


She used up her stored quirk rewinding <6 months for Mirio like three days ago(there was a shot of her watching the news with All Might and her horn was tiny)

Smash Bran'Discootch

Hawks: "My mom ran away" Jeanist: "I got stuck in traffic once. That sucked too."


These days trying to get erect is harder than getting myself into a pair a skinny jeans. I need some Viagra but doctors won't prescribe it to me cause I am blind. It sucks bro.


Oh you had a criminal father who beat your ass during childhood and a mom who didn't love you and ended up leaving because villains came after her? That's rough buddy.....


Why throw a tomato? Dude is washing machine. You gotta throw something hard in order to mess with his ass. He just use some detergent to clean off the tomato

The GoDKing 27

I don’t understand how hawks being born cause his own dad to kill somebody.


nah its the B J M O B I L E


other way around- he killed someone, then slept with woman who agreed to hide him, nine months later she had a kid


Between the red in his wings and the scarring he's got under all those bandages, Hawks is basically a Todoroki at this point

The GoDKing 27

Yo when endeavor was crying I’m thinkin , oh no them tears better not get in his oxygen mask or he’ll be choking from breathing in too much water.

Exac Gaming

I've seen cleaner garbage bins than that house

Zazies Beret

I definitely cried during that Endeavor scene 🫠. It's hard reconciling with the fact that he was a piece of shi and that I also am still sympathetic towards his feelings and situation. He's definitely reaping what he sowed, but similar to Shigaraki, it's apparent that Toya in his own way needs to be saved too. I hope that's what Todoroki's mom is hinting at with that last line.

J Man

He looking like H I M

Jalen Holmes

They are most likely going to see it at the final episode where everything in the opening passed already

Devin B

To Lupa's point I actually liked Endeavor's fit before he added the support items. It was simple but it wasn't too much like his propulsion equipment is on him now.

Devin B

Hawk's dad blamed him for being born because he felt like he was being tied down to him and the mom


im really hating the constant flash backs they doing, like if i wanted that I'd watch one piece.


oh and Endeavor's wearing his old suit in the "past" shots- he started wearing a new one from the billboard chart on. The old one has full gloves, a high neck, and really silly boots, while the new one has fingerless gloves, a low neckline, and the giant shoulder whatevers

Damarcus Miller

Shut up nerd, your literally the only one complaining.. flashbacks wasn’t even long & it gets us even more connected with the characters.. go watch Cartoon Network or stfu


are sheera and lupa ever gonna be able to watch the opening?


so if this city is becoming gotham. are we gonna get a hero that locks up homicidal maniacs and then locks them up again so they can escape again and kll more people? no? yes? maybe? lmao


ngl ive watched the intro and i dont know the spoiler bc if you dont know what the spoiler is and dont pay too much attention you probably wont pick it up. i still dont know what it is as an anime only watcher

Zac Mccaskill

Lupa and Roshi got the same brain I swear, no way they sync'd up on "Batmobile" like that


pain on pain, double feature. cant wait for next episodes

AlexXis Amadeus

That is the most low hanging criticism you could possibly make, and it’s only true when new stories and events need to happen. It’s a fucking comic book, even if Bats is unwilling to kill, more people would and do die when it’s a single linear narrative. Don’t blame the story for the conditions of its medium.


Surprised nobody mentioned Jeanist's massive n e c k


So I guess the story about how Midoriya became the number 1 hero is because all the other heroes just quit/retired?


lowkey hella random but it would be gas if they watched the Martian just saying movie is gas


What chapter is this so I can read ahead?


Pauldrons. Rl, they were for ceremonial stuff, and looking fancy.


Plus, it’s not even his fault in canon. The Joker getting out every other week is all on the justice system. They should’ve executed him a long time ago, insanity or not. That shouldn’t be on Batman.


i'm gonna be honest for a second. so disclaimer, this is all my OPINION & there may be a small spoiler abt the todoroki bg. i feel as though Endeavor should not be fully blamed for Dabi's situation. i read the manga, so i know all about the history there, and all i gotta say is that Dabi needs to also be held accountable for what he did to HIMSELF. Endeavor had told him many times to stop using his quirk/stop using it a certain way after he first fully understood how harmful it was to Dabi's body Dabi didn't want to listen, and i get that he was a kid and just wanted to make his father proud - Endeavor WAS training him to be a hero, but Endeavor honestly stopped/toned the training down when Dabi's body started to be impacted - he also even tried validating Dabi's feelings to a degree while also trying to be firm in his standing against him using the blue flame quirk. Dabi hated that his father didn't want to continue putting him through what was basically torture, so he went out into that little forest and had a temper tantrum. The only thing i believe that is FULLY Endeavor's fault is when he started to abuse his children for pretty much no reason. The Dabi to Shoto training pipeline is still kind of confusing to me, but i guess i'm just dumb.

Keanu Richardson

Ain’t no way lupa talking shit about jeanist making jokes in a serious moment that’s all this nigga does in reactions 😂


I think Enji processed anything that made him uncomfortable as rage/anger/fire, and by the time Shouto was training he had a LOT more uncomfortable emotions hanging around for him to refuse to address


prob in 2/3 episodes when they get out of the hospital

Hasnain Khan


Alexis Sullivan

I feel like im the only person who doesnt feel bad for Endeavor at all. Its nothing he can do to be redeemed in my eyes and anything that happens to him is what he deserves. He was a grown man abusing tf outta his whole family for years while he was in public pretending to be a "hero". Ain't no forgiveness over here


"There's people out there that are just terrible at consoling people". Fr this man just completely contradicted himself.


@Damarcus --- Who hurt you? So much hostility over something so tiny. smh


People are so weird about "spoilers" in openings. I don't necessarily disagree this time, but the word "spoiler" is thrown about so frequently now.

Mervyn Larrier

Concerning Hawks' quirk, I think the way his parents' genetics combined created his quirk like this: Basic Feathers: Father was able to grow sheddable feathers that could be sharpened and used as weapons. Sensory abilities: Hawk's mother's quirk combined with the feathers to give them sensory abilities. The kind of information picked up changed but he can see very precisely with them. And since they're feathers, he has a lot to work with. Precision control: His mom was able to control the location of her eyes. He just had it honed by the safety commission.

Mervyn Larrier

I get that. I think of it kind of like Kratos. He can't undo any of what he's done, so the only choice he has is to do better.


like all powerful characters in other series they have to be strong but either be e super perv like jiraiya or be making every other line fibre related. or my fav trope being op and be stupid in IQ like luffy he is dumber than a rock but has boa trying to get his gear 3 schlong


it is always fascinating to me when we can see a characters parents quirks and how this character took a piece of both of their quirks. Like with Bakugo, too, how we saw how their quirks combined in ways to make his. Now with Hawks, too


honestly, if it wasn't for endeavor Id have dropped this shit forever ago for how mediocre most of it is. But The Endeavour shit hits hard hes for sure the best character in the show


Agreed. The Eneavor drama is the only thing I like right now. I could care less about this all for one crap.


Lol yal be way to picky it’s entertainment it doesn’t have to be tailored to your every need lmao straight Drama Kings


It's not Hawk's voice. He was typing into phone and was text-to-speech.

AlexXis Amadeus

Those two things are mutually exclusive. Who are you to say what standards should be lowered? Maybe you should seek more from your entertainment, and not be so complacent, no?


They’re allowed to have their own opinion on shows that their watching not everything is going to be to everyone’s liking in every show


I’m also allowed to my own opinion and comments please start clapping because yal just clap yourselves lmao ps I never said anything about lowering standards


Reactions are not a serious moment, what are you talking about? 💀


lmao, ladies and gentlemen we see here in the wild in its natural habitat, the internet, we've got a hypocrite on our hands.


en·ter·tain·ment /ˌen(t)ərˈtānmənt/ noun the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment. That’s all it is lol nowhere it say’s tailored to your every need no matter how emotionally yal get or how clever you try to sound or how many to times you heart/like each other’s comments facts are facts


Also saying someone is too picky or a drama king is my opinion on the matter its not the same as saying your too picky lower your standards also having specific standards doesn’t mean you have high standards now please stfu like i said drama kings ps being able to find entertainment in small things or a piece of something rather the whole thing meaning my view is broader and not limited or restricted im able to enjoy life and shows without being a drama king when something doesn’t go my way


Hawks: My... My mom got ran up on by super powered terrorists Jeaniest: Damn that's rough, as rough getting into a pair of skinny jeans


you hit the nail on the head. its conflicting, and both of them cant expect forgiveness but have to strive to be better anyway.