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Principal is a beast


mitch anderson

Please guys, try and record 7 and 8 together


Didn't he promise a triple upload for assassination classroom since they only did one last week? Or am I thinking of another show?


I'll just give the benefit of the doubt and assume he just forgot.


Or the last one is just tomorrow cuz thts the usual upload day im pretty sure


It's how he view his father a monster


It's coming tomorrow like how he spreads other shows throughout the week


"Those are men... those are guys... those are dudes... those are dads..." bro, I was dying for a whole minute over this XD


They "owe" us one more EP from last week (namely 6), which should mean 7 and 8 will be coming out together next week :)


These 2 episodes were pre-recorded (probably Monday). The 3rd episode should come Friday along with 86, Harley, Toradora, etc that may not be uploaded today/Thursday.


Don't get too pressed about the monster inside the principal thing, it was just a stylized version of him from Asano's POV, it's how he percieves his father


Is it me or does the soundtrack with the piano sounds like Doki Doki soundtrack

Davon Thomas

Like how people are asking for more uploads. Like yall cant see the post with Sheera riding a horse and roshi holding on for dear life behind her? Just be patient.

Jalen Holmes

can some of yall just wait?


I think those crazy picture changes just show how crazy the principal personality is, and how much of "Perfectionist" he is.

Cole M. Phillips

Hey Roshi if yall get a chance check out the synopsis for generator rex, has good story, lore and the villian theme music is ungodly good, also its the sister show to ben 10


He's literally regular lol his son is just viewing him that way due to the fact that he has an insane passion.


The principal unlocked his Sharingan after losing at karate. He got beat up, then he just watched, and then he beat up the other guy without being hit once: sharingan.

Revstarallstar .

Ngl this show aint deep. So don’t think about shit too deeply. I skipped episodes when i tried to watch it because I thought it was too stupid.


that's more on you then, they think differently and so do many other people, just ain't your thing


did my man just say i didn't read the book but here's my book report? lmao


roshi nearly died trying to keep up with sheera and these boys are like "wheres my 5 dollar upload sir?!"

Cole M. Phillips

I mean aye, van kleiss is still like one of my main all time favorite villians to this day


I have to say no to a series that was planned for 4 seasons and got cancelled during the 2nd with a rushed 3rd to finish up as much as they could. It sucks but the show didn't get a proper finish. Good show though.


When I first watched this shit I took all the principle moments as a stylized to show just how frightening this man is. This nigga lost his shit after getting his ass kicked ONCE in karate on the first day which to a NORMAL person that wouldn't be a big deal

Symmetra Senpai

theres nothing in him its just his haki lmao

Symmetra Senpai

when you see his back story gg


@delete Same energy as "Yeah I didn't watch the first 2 movies in the trilogy, but didn't like the 3rd as it didn't make sense"

mekhi smith

For your next game stream can y'all please play Jojo's bizarre adventures eyes of heaven its on the PS4


Why? The game would essentially spoil JJBA; and they haven't even had a chance to finish Part 6.

mekhi smith

I mean they're about to play jojo bizarre adventure All-Stars but JoJo bizarre adventure eyes of heaven is better they're only going to play up to part 5

Nick X

Nah bro I'm sure the principal just built different


YOOOO! Where TF did Lupa get that hoodie?

Earphone Jack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-30 14:11:25 I hope they do 3 episodes next week because episodes 7 & 8 are ones that should be watched back-to-back. It's fine if they don't though. Also, when it comes to the principal, there is no monster in him lol. But there is a reason why he acts the way he does.
2022-01-29 01:18:44 I hope they do 3 episodes next week because episodes 7 & 8 are ones that should be watched back-to-back. It's fine if they don't though. Also, when it comes to the principal, there is no monster in him lol. But there is a reason why he acts the way he does.

I hope they do 3 episodes next week because episodes 7 & 8 are ones that should be watched back-to-back. It's fine if they don't though. Also, when it comes to the principal, there is no monster in him lol. But there is a reason why he acts the way he does.

Lupa is Dadi

my man looking like a hentai protagonist with that thumbnail

Revstarallstar .

It does. I dont like the show bcus i think its stupid. But im watching reactions for this group bcus i enjoy their takes. Idk ya’ll sound even more stupid to try roast but more power to ya’ll losers

Revstarallstar .

Very true it aint my thing. Respect for that being the comment and understanding that i just had a fifferent perspective

MC zsn

so you said the show isn't too deep but you skipped episodes...so how would you know the show isn't "too Deep" if you didn't even watch the entire thing? 😂 😂 jeezus christ ya'll type of people crack me up lmao


I had to pause it when Lupa said they were dudes cause I damn near choked on my sandwich from laughing🤣🤣🤣




this reminds me of the kickball episode in Boondocks