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Wendy is trippin



You do realize that the cartel want Darlene to stop or they will act right? You want to know what happens when the cartel acts? Here I'll give you a hint. IT INVOLVES DEATH OF PEOPLE. Certain type of people, people marty won't be able to do anything about. Guess where their son is going right towards? Oh thats right, the place where he is going to get himself fucking killed.

Stephen Delong

I'm just here to be the first comment


Lmao sheera on "that lady is nosey" then roshi with the "that's her mom...."


6:32 oh wow I did not notice that when I watch this

Jason Etuz

You need to watch "All of Us are dead" very similar to squid game or Train to busan. It's too good


Sure, Jonah should stay with his parents for his safety... but do you really blame him for acting out? Wendy is a lying snake, granted its for survival so it is what it is. But she literally murdered her Brother and is lying to herself about it everyday. Put yourself in Jonah's shoes and ask urself what you would do. Id be just as upset as he is.

Stephen Delong

I just happened to be up at the time and idk what compelled me to do it 😅


Wendy is the worst POS. Jonah is an angry, emotional teenager who's not processing what's going on very well but Wendy's constantly trying to act like her shit doesn't stink. She's manipulative af. Her whole "Ben circle" wasn't anything other than a manipulation to get Jonah back on her side. When it didn't work she dropped it like it wasn't shit and went to shut off the power in the basement.

Reckless Company

Marty needs a comedy award he is so funny with how calm and relax in tense situations

Joey Zero

I understand the hate for Jonah, but tbh, I completely get him. He's watched his parent manipulate and lie to everyone around them including their own children. He's watched his mom all but kill her own brother. He had to uproot his entire life because his parents selfishly got involved in the cartel. He never had a choice in any of it, so him deciding on his own to break away and have his own laundering scheme is kind of admirable. And I think that's why Marty doesn't say anything. He understands what's in Jonah's head and is trying to support him while also trying to be a good father. I mean, he was literally impressed with Jonah's achievements at such a young age. On a side note. Anyone backing Wendy while bashing Jonah is very much a hypocrite. She's yelling at him for rebelling, but she's a huge reason why they're in this mess in the first place. Marty even tried to get them out, but Wendy pulled them right back in harder than ever. Let my boy spread his wings!