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That ending was nuts!



Bro this whole episode "we shouldn't split up but lets split up"


I wake up to Cole dropping some heat and now the episode I was waiting for awwww YEAHH 🔥🔥

Charlie baker

Marvel zombies isn't a new concept infact this variation is extremely watered down . The comic version had all superheros become zombies that retained all their intelligence not just their powers via being infected by a zombie sentry punching his way into their reality but they were unable to resist the hunger so they were extremely dangerous,it was extremely dark and vivid with so many ethics questions and spawned dozens of spinoff comic tie ins,so while this was cool it was also sorta underwhelming. What happened to t'challa does happen in the comics but its giant man rationing him out to keep his mind straight while attempting to work on a cure and antmans fate as a jar head was zombie wasps fate after getting up in giant mans shit to get some tchalla twinkie

Charlie baker

No definitely not but like i said in my comment this is a far cry from the marvel zombie comics which completely shit on any dc zombies thing thats been done


Lmaoo I’m glad I wasn’t the only one laughing a bit when she said “ My King, Wakanda Forever”

Robert Chacha

Nah ya killed me with the dr strange “1”. Man said “Tony, Tony please “

Bolarinwa Olabimtan

"Zombie Thanos... nah nigga, we can't do that?!!!!" I'm literally on the floor right now🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Noah Greed

im almost choke with water when roshi says: Que? at the beginning


My question is how Thanos has the fuckin time stone yet still turns into zombie when he could just turn back time and not be a goddamn zombie? People might say that he got it after he turned into a zombie but if he has that mindset still kicking around to collect the goddamn infinity stones you're telling me in his deteriorating brain he doesn't account for self-preservation. I mean I know I'm just bitching but he shouldn't have been a fuckin zombie with the goddamn time stone


worst ''wakanda forever'' i ever seen and im white bro

Ranginald Vagel

Weird that the biggest parallel between this and the zombi comic was that in both T’challa was captured and had a leg removed for zombie food.

Michael Pamon

Lmao that’s not the airport from Civil War. They literally said they were going to a military base in New Jersey. The airport in Civil War was in Germany.


Once the zombies of that universe eat/transform everyone else, they are going to start spreading out to other timelines. Better get ready.


hard to take any of this seriously when they make a joke every two seconds. and i mean in show, not the crew.


Man Lupa “Tony please!” Almost choked laughing 😂😂

Ayomide Salami

Also it's camp Lehigh, where steve was trained in the army in Cap America 1. It's also where tony gets the tesseract in the 1970s during endgame.


Well, I guess part of being a zombie is not wanting to not be a zombie. I mean it must be pretty good if all zombies want to do is get more zombie friends. Maybe after all are converted they have a big zombie party. Also, for Thanos being a zombie would be pretty helpful, it makes it so you literally have to go for the head.


Maybe then the watcher will do something? Like contain that universe.


Lmfao bruh lupa, it is too damn early for me to be laughing this loud hahaha that last bit where u said strange saw zombie thanos n said nah fuck dat ☝🏻 Tony!!

Charlie baker

Spiderman is a fun example from the comics to show the difference, he gets bitten by cap the first day of the spread while trying to save the protagonist from the evil dead series who gets trapped in the zombies universe as part of a crossover into the first issue dead days,thinks his spider powers faught it off then went home to protect mj and aunt may to disastrous results that make him largely suicidal and self hating as a zombie

Charlie baker

Mind you im not tryna pull a reign with these exposition dumps,just trying to be informative as someone very familiar with the marvel zombies comic runs since i was a kid ,i figured id try to point people those comics way if they were disappointed like i was in how what if handled marvel zombies


The Watcher turns around to look at this universe and sees this shit be like: "Yeah, nah, let somebody else deal with this BS."


Yeah What If is extremely mid because of that imo. Comedic nonsense.

Darren Banks

The saddest part about this episode was Cap eating Sharon Carter... The feels.

Alrick Campbell

Bro... i saw this comment before watching the episode and thought they caught Cap giving Peggy head lmaooo. I'm sick.


the airport they were at was the place Captain America was stationed in. It appeared in the first captain america movie and in winter soldier

Lupa is Dadi

This was terrifying


Thanos did not have the Mind stone so does that mean that people are still trying to cure this bs?


He didn't have the mind stone because he didn't know where vision was


Thats not the only issue how did Thanos get the time stone if he never fought Iron Man and the others on Titan?


But we seen wasp handle him along with Iron Zombie and Zombie Wong?

Jin Shim

Then it could be she didn’t know about time stone being a thing and left the necklace