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wasnt expecting this to be as good as it was



“what’s 9 three 3s?” lmao


im so clapped I didn’t expect this to end so early.. will they be replacing this show with another?


Wow, thanks for the quadruple drop! lol

Omar Bautista

Does this mean cobra kai or why the rush?


maybe they’re clearing a spot for star wars visions?


episode 7 is coming out Wednesday MORNING its an 8 ep series it was 10 but 2 got canned


How many times are we going to see Tony die lol

twis tempo

you guys have to check out scissor seven best show out rn


What if Killmonger saved Tony Stark? Well, he would then kill him a few months later.

Nikolai Cannady

Y'all gotta realize this man enacted this plan a whole 10 years early in the MCU timeline, explaining why Shuri is still a child and this takes place during Iron Man. I'm suprised yall didn't comment on how beautifully haunting Chadwick Boseman's lines were as if he's talking to us from beyond the grave.

Braxton Brown

When the watcher says "Heroes are never really gone. They live forever. As do the ones they inspire to carry on the fight." that instantly made my eyes start to water because my mind went right to thinking about Chadwick. RIP that king.


Just wondering if u guys have a specific day you post kaguya, or if you post it at random. I though it was sundays but last week it was on a Tuesday so I’m a little confused. If you don’t have a post schedule for it I understand, I was just curious (:


Kaguya is usually on tuesday and Monogatari is on thursday usually. However since they're duo shows they're not really a priority as supposed to when they have to film a trio show with Lupasan.


Not going to lie I was really looking forward to some Kaguya today....

Immoral Mortal

i have been loving all of these, i have always wanted to see the villains win for a change, It would be great to see a live action movie franchise where the villains win

Immoral Mortal

I am just bored of the same old stuff like no matter what happens in the movie you always know that the "hero" is going to win in the end and its gets boring


Yah gonna love the next episode


idc llol killmonger is fire


Andy Serkis is so good as Ulysses Klaue! He’s someone I would love to see come back in the main universe even if I prefer deaths to be permanent.

Yall Might

I just realized that drone model looks deadass like Omega Shenron

Austin Friley

Killmonger made everybody the opps bro


Killmonger is such a whiner, get over it son

stanley drury anderson jr

Killmonger always bothered me idk if it was because of Michael b or what but he just did