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Added: Gallery feature. Now you can see all the scenes from the game!

**Note: Some scenes may be an older version where there may be assorted typos, or they 

may play slightly different from the in game version.

** Note part deux: For now the player starts off in the gallery. Talk to 

Carol in the main hub in order to either start a new game or load a fully finished epilogue.

Added: *Spicy* Scene inside the dungeon after Claire gets grabbed by Ava on day 4.

Just outside of where you exit the cell and start the level. Titled "Dungeon Crawling". 

Added: *Spicy* Scene right outside the club to the top right on day 4 titled "Sisterly Love".

Added: *Spicy* Scene on day 1 to the right of the gas station titled "Rose of Rule".

Fixed: Trying to re-enter Annettes house after day 5 caused Claire

to get sucked up into a time paradox which just can't happen.

Fixed: Yuffie just vanished into thin air after day 4 in the public 

version. She's been found and put back exactly where she's supposed

to be.

Fixed: Quite a few people got lost on day 3. So I added some people to tell

Claire to go an clean the womans bathroom to continue the story.

Fixed(ish): The requirements for saving Jill during the Finale were

a little too specific. I made it easier so she doesn't end up zombie 


Fixed: I have the grammar of a 5 year old so I fix typo's.


Fixed: Assorted collision issues, dialogue boxes in wrong spots, and

bad character transfers.

Lets hope there aren't too many bugs :)

Link: https://broseidon-of-the-sea1.itch.io/residential-evil

Pass: HelloWorld12


kitchen lynx

I just started playing and the game has a glitch where after Claire examines the car and the tutorial zombie attack. you walk back in and the dream claire has where paige uses her mouth triggers and the part of the picture over the screen where parts of the scene appear. First you could only see her eyes then her underwear before finally the whole picture comes into view as the scene progresses.


That bug has been pretty persistent but it should be fixed in the new version out today. Shoot me a message if it still persists.