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What's up everybody, Broseidon here with another update and some details on a small game I'm making for a game jam. Firstly though, the change log for ROE with a link to the game at the bottom of this post.

ROE version 1.04:

Added: Junkyard area. It's a little glitchy but this is the second to last area that needed to be added, with the final one being the club (where Claire meets Ashley). You can locate the junkyard in the North East section of the Residential District after day 5.  You visit this area on day 7 for the story and it's where you meet Cagey and Bertha.

Added: Scene on day 6 at the junkyard. Titled "Gothgirls.com"

Added: Scene at the junkyard during the finale. A game over scene for Claire and Cagey (still needs some work). The most original title of "Cagey"

Added: Scene on day 5 at the Junkyard. Titled "Sock Puppet Wars".

Fixed: bug that doesn't want to go away with Paige and Claire on day 2. I feel like this bug has a mind of it's own and just  appears whenever the hell it feels like.

Fixed: Collision issue on day 7 where Claire fazed through multiple walls. Apparently she was done getting kidnapped and walked into the abyss.

Next update should hopefully add the status screen function back with a couple of scenes. Also I did get a couple questions on when and how I'll be organizing the images, so for now I'm going to upload them into a folder in their PSD forms for either next update ore the following one. With this you can open up the file and adjust clothes options, facial expressions, and accessories for the CG's. Any questions just shoot me a message. And as once you pledged at any point in the games development I will be shooting you a link with the images :)

August and September updates:

Residents of Evilville only has about 2-3 more updates left, mainly missing scenes, the status screen, and assorted bugs/QOL fixes. Along with that I have to finish some of my older game such as The Ninth Street Bus and Christmas Pantsu Collector. That shouldn't take too much time either, so where does that leave us up until the end of the year?


Some of you may know this, but I love game jams. Making short little horror games with a dash of DID is totally my scene. Right now I'm signed up for a game jam due on August 22nd called Themed Horror Game Jam #8. My entry will be about a young vlogger in a haunted hotel room trying to survive the night. So that'll be next months August and September post, along with normal ROE updates. I'll be keeping everybody posted with how the games coming along. Unlike Residents of Evilville I'll be posting screenshots as I progress :)

ROE Link: https://broseidon-of-the-sea1.itch.io/residents-of-evilville-spicy

Pass: HereBeClaire


Aridecan Games

Keep up the good work. Your creation was one of the things that helped me get over my writer's block and get back to writing. And it's one of the things that inspired me to be back to learning Unreal Engine and start plotting out my own bondage-based games. So thank you for sharing, and thank you for the inspiration.


This comment made my day, thank you for that kindness :) If you ever need help with your game don't hesitate to shoot me a message!

Nathaniel Cloud

Thank you for all the work you put into making these games! Quick question; I heard there's supposed to be a walkthrough somewhere, but I didn't see it with the downloads. Did I misunderstand that? Just want to make sure I'm not missing any of the side content.


I'm just finishing it up! I was supposed to have it out by now but y'know, it's me haha.