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Added: Gallery feature. Now you can see all the scenes from the game!

**Note: Some scenes may be an older version where there may be assorted typos, or they 

may play slightly different from the in game version.

** Note part deux: For now the player starts off in the gallery. Talk to 

Carol in the main hub in order to either start a new game or load a fully finished epilogue.

Added: *Spicy* Scene inside the dungeon after Claire gets grabbed by Ava on day 4.

Just outside of where you exit the cell and start the level. Titled "Dungeon Crawling". 

Added: *Spicy* Scene right outside the club to the top right on day 4 titled "Sisterly Love".

Added: *Spicy* Scene on day 1 to the right of the gas station titled "Rose of Rule".

Fixed: Trying to re-enter Annettes house after day 5 caused Claire

to get sucked up into a time paradox which just can't happen.

Fixed: Yuffie just vanished into thin air after day 4 in the public 

version. She's been found and put back exactly where she's supposed

to be.

Fixed: Quite a few people got lost on day 3. So I added some people to tell

Claire to go an clean the womans bathroom to continue the story.

Fixed(ish): The requirements for saving Jill during the Finale were

a little too specific. I made it easier so she doesn't end up zombie 


Fixed: I have the grammar of a 5 year old so I fix typo's.


Fixed: Assorted collision issues, dialogue boxes in wrong spots, and

bad character transfers.

Lets hope there aren't too many bugs :)

Link: https://broseidon-of-the-sea1.itch.io/residents-of-evilville-spicy

Pass: HereBeClaire

(Also a link to the non spicy version)

Link: https://broseidon-of-the-sea1.itch.io/residential-evil

Pass: HelloWorld12



Some files are corrupted when unzipping


Odd, ok I'll reupload one minute. Are they both not working?