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"Organization" Invention Technology MEC-1001 (Mechanical Type: Brain Function Control System)


MEC-1001 is a device that controls a very specific part of brain function using special electromagnetic waves. By detecting the scent of male pheromones (such as androsterone) in the air, it stimulates the secretion of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, inducing sexual excitation, euphoria, and grooming desires. Its effects are particularly pronounced in enclosed spaces with a high male presence, such as locker rooms.

MEC-1001 is designed to have an inconspicuous appearance, resembling a small air purifier. While it does not eliminate the actual odors in the room, it alters the perception of these odorous substances to be more pleasant, creating a relative sense of "odorlessness."

In experiments conducted with athlete teams, it was observed that the device led to increased sexual activity among teammates and improved sports performance. This is likely due to the heightened sense of happiness, motivating athletes to earnestly engage in practice and competitions, resulting in stronger body odor, and thus, more potent pheromones.


Oh, you noticed this? Yeah, I've recently started going to the gym. Man, it's true that moderate exercise is the key to good health.

Back in my student days, I was pretty active and had a decent physique, you know. But once I became a working adult, with all the busy job stuff, I stopped exercising like crazy, and, well, I kinda let myself go.

That's when the gym opened up near my place. They had affordable rates and it's open 24/7, so I thought, why not check it out?

Huh? No female members allowed, it's a men's club. I was skeptical at first, but you know what? There are some major perks to a men-only place.

No crowding, top-notch equipment, and I don't have to worry about impressing the ladies while I'm training.

Sure, it had that "guy smell" when I first went, but now it's totally different. It's more like steamy... you know, talking about motivation for training.

At first, those big bodybuilder guys made me feel a bit intimidated, and I was like, "Whoa, what am I doing here?" But you know what? They're all friendly and ready to help. I ask anything, and they'll even give me pro tips, pushing me beyond my limits. And without the ladies around, I don't get all cocky. I can just relax and focus on my training. It's a really cool atmosphere. Working out together, encouraging each other, that's what true male friendship is all about.

Seriously, since I started hitting the gym, I feel this new confidence growing inside me. I mean, let's face it, muscles make a man! I wanna train harder and become a full-blown muscular man!

Yeah, it's time to go. There's a special training session for new members today, and I'm super stoked about it.

Gotta head to the gym now! See you there!


『組織』発明技術 MEC-1001(機械型:脳機能制御系統)




アスリートチームを対象に行われた実験では、チームメイト同士の性行為が盛んになったうえ、スポーツ自体の成績も向上したという副次的な効果も見られた。 これはより強い多幸感を得られるように、練習や試合に真面目に取り組んで体臭を強くした結果だと推察される。


お? わかる? そう、最近ジムに行き出したんだよ。 いやあ、適度な運動が健康の秘訣って本当だよな。

俺も学生時代はそれなりに運動していい体してたんだぜ。 社会人になって仕事が忙しくなるとめっきり運動しなくなって、流石に弛んできちゃってな。 そんなときに家の近くにジムができたんだよ。 料金は安いし24時間営業だっていうんで、ちょっと覗いてみたんだ。

ん? 女会員はいねーよ、男限定店だからな。 いやいやいや、俺も最初はどうかと思ったけどな、男限定って意外とメリットがでかいんだよ。 混雑しないし、器具が全部本格的だし、女の目を気にしないでトレーニングできるしな。

確かに初めて行った時は男臭いって思ったけどさ、今は全然そんなことないんだよ。 むしろムラムラするっていうか……ああ、トレーニングのやる気の話な。

最初はボディビルダーみたいなデカい男たちに圧倒されてビクビクしてたけど、皆フレンドリーで助けてくれるんだ。 何でも聞いてみると、プロのアドバイスもくれるし、自分の限界を超えられるようにサポートしてくれるんだよ。 それに女がいないからか、調子に乗ってる感じもなくて、リラックスしてトレーニングできるんだ。本当にいい雰囲気だぜ。 一緒に筋トレして、お互いに刺激しあう。男同士の友情ってのもいいもんだ。

いやほんと、ジムに通い始めて自分の中に新しい自信が湧いてきたんだよ。 やっぱ男は筋肉だよな! もっと鍛えて、ガンガン男らしいマッチョになりたいぜ!

お、そろそろ時間だな。 今日は最近入ったメンバーを集めた特別なトレーニングがあるらしくてさ、すげー楽しみなんだ。





Very Hot!!! Really good set!


Loooove the huge dicks on hot happy dudes!!

Married Guy

Another home run. Love your super hot Asians (I’m white) but throwing in another type of dude unexpectedly is so hot!

Ford Tom

Nice work. Love asian, black guy combo