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Thank you everyone for your wild submissions yesterday! But now its time to vote! Some of your ideas sadly couldn't be included because they either reflected intellectual property I don't feel comfortable getting near, weren't actual minis, were more than one creature, or would have been impossible to print lol. 

Either way thanks again for your fun ideas! I'll model the winner after this poll ends and I'll live stream my modeling of it on Twitch this Friday! I won't vote unless a tie breaker is needed. Thanks again folks! I asked you guys to get weird and boy did you ever :D



Oh man, I don't love the cow pegasus but... How about a pigasus! That way the DM can have something for all those "that'll happen when pigs fly" moments


Is anyone else not able to select multiple options?


I love at least half a dozen of these ideas, they're even better than the usual picks. I don't suppose we can re-vote again next time for these same ideas... or like the next 6 times haha


silly/serious tell/pm me what it would take for the plush golem: the one that protects me and mine from the Night Terrors (iconic image link below) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/aa/fd/53aafdb8cbd956e911a8957721da8fd2.png

Derek Read

I don't know, "100 kobolds" feels like asking for too much


Nah. I'd just make one big fabric looking dragon with the occasional kobold head sticking out of it lol


Okay, hear me out... Werehuman... Half bear, half human.. Either at a desk job or retail job where the life is being sucked out of him...


My wife also suggested the Avatar of Hopelessness. A retail worker surrounded by Christmas stuff holding a sign that says "Bah Humbug!"