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The Beerholder, Turkey Hydra, Centaurtaur.... these weird minis are the ones that make my Patreon stand out! Now its time to add another fun one to the collection!

Below go ahead and post your silly model ideas! Then tomorrow I'll make a poll for you all to vote on what I'll make, and I'll live stream its creation too!

Please stay away from Video game, TV, and movie references when possible. Also please keep this PG as there are kids here lol. Also it should be an actual mini of one creature, not a bust, figurine or terrain piece. 

And with that lets get weird! I love seeing what you guys come up with :D




The Krakhen a half chicken half kraken, it could be still in the egg with its chicken head popping out the top and tentecels coming out the bottom.


I suggested this last time you ran this poll but it didn't make the cut so I thought I'd throw it in the ring again.... Drider-Pig, Drider-Pig, does whatever a Drider-Pig does


Tur-Duc-Ken-era. Beast with Turkey, duck and chicken head.


Cow Pegasus